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"Trinity!"I yell falling to my knees next to her.I check her body and don't see any cuts or anything the just blood between her legs.I pull my phone from my pocket and call Chris."Ni wassup?"   "Trinity is unconscious and bleeding Chris!"I yell into the phone and he cusses."I'm on my way back."
Chris arrived seconds before the paramedics did.He called them after I called him.Once they got here I had to hide cuz we didn't want anybody to see me and call the police.They took Trinity away and Chris went with them,hours later they both return.
I immediately get up and hug Trinity,the whole time I was thinking that just like Fera she wouldn't come back.I'm crying and hugging her and she stays limp in my arms.I pull away and search her face and she just looks down."What happened Trinity?"I ask but she doesn't answer so I turn to Chris."What happened?"  "Trinity..she was pregnant and she miscarried."He says avoiding my eyes and I pull her into another hug.This time she cries into me and I rub her back."I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and then I saw a lot of blood.I don't remember after that.." She says sobbing and I lead her to the couch.Chris stands behind us and puts his hand on her shoulder."What did they say was wrong?Why did you miscarry?"I ask."They said I was too stressed and that the baby couldn't take it...I killed my baby."She says crying harder."You didn't do anything Trinity,you didn't even know you were pregnant--"   "It doesn't matter!I killed my baby,Its my fault!"She says covering her face,Chris comes over and kneels in front of her."Look I'm sorry Trinity,its my fault.If you're gonna blame anybody its me."He says moving her hands.She pulls him into a hug and he holds her.I watch how gentle he is in that moment and I smile to myself.
She wipes her face and stands up."You good?"I ask and she nods."Everything happens for a reason...that's one thing Fera taught me."She says and that catches me off guard.This is the first time she's said Fera's name since she's died."I'm going to my room...thank you Chris for taking me in and giving me a home."She says hugging him then kissing his cheek."Thanks Imani for being my friend."She says hugging me then she whispers."Don't be afraid to be happy with Chris,he's really changing and its because of you."I nod confused and she pulls away.She walks to her room and gives us one last smile before entering and closing the door behind her.Chris sighs and I pull him into a hug."I didn't really think of it as a child of mine dying before Fera died.Today I actually cried when I found out Imani.Its all my fault.I would be a dad by now if I would a got help before now."He says and I rub his back."Chris the point is you're getting help now and it won't happen again."I say and he looks up and kisses me.He deepens the kiss but I pull away."Imani I need you."   "I'm here for you Chris."I say rubbing his hand."No I need to feel close to you."He says cupping my face in his hands.I rub his hand with my thumb as we stare at each other,then I lean in a kiss him.He pulls me on top of him so I'm straddling him without breaking the kiss.He moves to my neck kissing,sucking,and biting which makes me moan."Let's go to your room."I say breathing heavily and he nods picking me up easily.He carries me to his room locking the door behind us...
I lay next to Chris and he pulls me closer to him."I needed that." He says and I smile turning to him."You're so beautiful Ni."He compliments me playing with one of my curls.I kiss his lips but when I try and pull away he gently bites my bottom lip which makes me laugh."I'm hungry."I say sitting up grabbing my shirt and putting it on."I know what I wanna eat."He says putting his hands on my waist.I turn and meet his lips.He tries to take off my shirt but I stop him and get up slipping my panties on.He watches me biting his lip as I slip on my shorts."I'm a order Chinese or some shit."He says getting up and I nod,he makes the call and I go to the living room to watch TV.30 minutes later the food's here and I go to get Trinity.
I knock and open the door but I don't see her.I go to the bathroom and hear water running."Trinity,we ordered some chinese so when your done come and get some."I say and knock on the door.When I hit the door it creaks open meaning that it wasn't closed.I look down and see water at my feet,when I look up I see Trinity fully clothed lying in the tub face down,the tap is running and the tub is overflowing.
God damn it Trinity!Lol jk but what happened this time?!Comment your comments,gimme your votes,and follow me on IG @http.3w

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