Jasmine's making sense

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Its been 2 weeks and Mariely is still here.After that night Jasmine didn't come back and Mariely had no place to go,I said we should just kick her out but Chris didn't agree.She's been living here since then and I hate it.Not only is she rude,she's always flirting with Chris.
Strike 1
And his dumb ass flirts back.He keeps telling me that its not flirting and we end up fighting.Right now we don't even sleep in the same room anymore,I moved back to my old one.
Every time we fight Mariely is not too far away and I can tell her and Jasmine are up to something. She says they haven't talked but whenever she's on the phone she whispers and its suspicious as fuck.
Right now I'm trying to get a call through to Trinity but its not working.I'm already pissed off when Chris walks in and jumps on my bed.I ignore him and keep trying to reach her but he starts pulling my shirt.
"Imani.Imani.Imani."He says sounding like a little kid."What Chris?"I say annoyed and he stops."What's wrong?"He asks and I sigh frowning."I can't get through to Trinity.Did she ever tell you they got the money?"I ask him and he nods."Yea she used it to buy a cellphone but instead of getting some minutes they used the rest to pay some bills."He tells me and I put my phone down."Can you please send some more money over there, I would do it but you know Ion have a job and--"     "I got it Ni don't worry."He says and I lay back putting my hands in my hair.
"I miss her Chris."I say and he nods."I know,I miss her too."      "I should've convinced her to stay,I just let her leave."I say more to myself than to him."You said it yourself Ni,she just wasn't happy here anymore.That's my fault." He says and I don't say anything I just turn on my side facing away from him.
"Don't be mad at me anymore Imani."He says putting his hand on my side."I'm not mad at you Chris,she left cuz she wanted too--"      "No I mean these past couple of weeks you haven't been talking to me.This is the most you've said to me, besides when you're yelling at me."He says and I sigh."I only yell cuz you don't listen to me, you aren't listening." I tell him,he puts his hand on my shoulder and I turn to face him.
"Do you like Mariely?"I ask frowning and he looks surprised."I mean I don't not like her."He says and I shake my head."Do you like Mariely Chris?"I ask again sitting up and he shakes his head."No I don't, I--"       "Why don't I believe you?"I ask him and he frowns."You know why we don't talk?Because you spend more time with her than with me!"I semi yell at him."Maybe if you weren't so impossible and didn't move out of our room,we would talk more...We'd probably have more sex too."He mumbles but I hear him.Yea we haven't had sex since she moved in too,every time we'd try she'd be there to ruin it.
"So that's why you came in here?For sex?!"I yell getting upset."No I'm just saying maybe the reason why you're so angry is because you have a lot of pent up anger and you need to let it out." He says and I get angry."Get the fuck out Chris before I let this "pent up anger" out on your face."I say and he looks shocked before getting up."Fuck this shit." He cusses before slamming my door.I hate to admit it but he's right,I am angry but I'm sad at the same time.I would love for me and Chris to makeup but I feel like beating the shit out him and he hasn't really done anything.I'm all over the place,I'm a take a nap and just sleep on all this shit.
I wake up to the sound of the front door opening.I get up and put my shirt back on,while I was asleep I got really hot and had to take it off.I walk out there and see Jasmine setting some stuff down on the counter."Oh hey Imani!"She says smiling once she sees me and I rub my eyes."Oh were you asleep,I'm sorry."She says coming over to me."I know it's been a while but I came to get Mariely,where is she?"She asks and I point at her room,she goes in and I go to the closet for some food.
"She's not in there.Where's Chris maybe he'll know where she is." Jasmine says walking into Chris' room.When she comes out she has a look on her face that's pissing me off."He's not there either.Maybe you should call him and see if maybe they're together...they're probably not but you know,just in case."She says coming over to me and standing in front of me.When I realize she's not gonna leave until I call I just call his cellphone.When it goes to voicemail I shrug and throw my phone to the side.
"Voice mail."I say eating."Could you try again,me and Mariely booked a flight and I wouldn't want us to miss it."She says and I roll my eyes."Call Mariely."   "She's mad at me right now."She says and I squint my eyes."So y'all have talked?"I ask and she hesitates."Yea a little bit."
Oh ok.Strike 2.
I pick my phone up and call Chris again and this time he answers."Put it on speaker."Jasmine whispers and I do."Chris Jasmine's here and--"      "Oh Chris!Fuuuccckkk."I get cut off by moaning and I freeze.I wait to hear Chris' voice but Jasmine takes the phone from me and ends the call,I stand up and reach for it but she hides it behind her."Give my fucking phone Jasmine!"I yell and she holds me."You don't need to hear that Imani.."She says and I break down."I can't believe he's sleeping with her!"I yell and she hugs me sitting us down."I'm so so sorry Imani."She says and I cry onto her shoulder, she strokes my head and I let her comfort me.
"I thought maybe she would try something but I didn't know she'd do it this fast."She says but I'm not listening."I hate him I hate him so much!"I yell pissed and she hands me a tissue."I should've warned you,you're my sister and I let you get hurt." "What do you mean?"I ask sniffing and she looks at me. "Chris has been putting on a show this whole time."She says and I look at her confused."Chris can't just be with one girl Imani...Before Fera,when I was emotionally invested in Chris,he cheated on me dozens of times.I didn't push him away he pushed me away.I couldn't take it anymore so I started traveling more and more...he started get more aggressive.He wonders why I never took him around mom and dad,I was ashamed.Mainly of myself for staying with him through all he put me through."She says and I see a tear fall.All this time Chris has made her look like the bad guy,he turned me against my sister."I'm sorry Jasmine."I say and this time I hug her.
"Look I think you should take Mariely's ticket and fly to Atlanta with me."Jasmine says and I freeze."Ion know...I don't wanna just leave."I say and she nods."I understand but it would be good for you to just get away for a little,just clear your head.It didn't work with me but maybe when he sees that he fucked up then he'll change for real this time."She says and I run my hand through my hair.
"Fine I'll go."
Ahhhhh shit!Lol comment what you're thinking right now.

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