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Trinity in MM
"Come with me."Chris says standing in front of me."Why?"I ask not moving and he sighs.He gently grabs my hand and pulls me off the couch.He puts his arm around my waist and leads me outside to his car.He opens the door for me and I just look at him."Where are we going?"I ask and he smiles slightly."I wanna take you somewhere." "Obviously Chris,but where?"I snap and he frowns."Please Imani."He pleads with me and I sigh getting in the car.He smiles and kisses my cheek,then closes the door.He walks to the other side and gets in.After buckling up and him starting the car we back out of the driveway.
"Do you want me to put on some music?"He asks and I shake my head."News."I say and he looks at me."I wanna hear the news."I say and he hesitates before finding a good station.
Imani Rae Reynolds went missing around 4 months ago and still no leads on her whereabouts.Her family didn't realize something was wrong until going down to her home and calling in to her office.Her mother and stepfather said that it wasn't unlikely for her to not call for long periods of time,but after a month they knew something was wrong.Its believed she dissapeared the night of or the morning after her highschool reunion.All willing attendees were intensely questioned but many refused to get involved.Because its been so long without any leads,police are contemplating calling the search off.
I turn off the radio and turn my face away.It takes alot to blink back my tears.After a couple minutes he looks over and rubs my thigh.Part of me welcomes the gesture but the other part wants to slap his hand away cuz it his fault."Look Imani,if..after today...if you want to leave..."He sighs but I think I know what he's saying."Just hear me out then make your decision."He says focusing back on the road.
We pull up to a building that looks a lot like a hospital and we get out.He comes to my side and holds my hand.We walk in and I sit down as he goes to the front desk.The girl at the desk is obviously flirting with him but he doesn't care.After a couple minutes he comes and sits with me.He puts his arm around me the moves my hair from my neck so he can put his face there.I feel his breathe against my skin and I fidget in my seat.Me and Chris haven't had sex in weeks.You can say I'm a sex addict but you can't expect me to live in the same house as him and not be tempted.
He notices and lifts his face slightly and starts placing soft kisses on my neck.I try hard not to moan but a couple slip through.The girl clears her throat standing in front of us."Mr.Brown Dr.James is ready for you."She says and I blush as he stands up."Cmon Imani."He says reaching for my hand and I take his.She walks a couple feet in front of us as Chris is just cheesing."Why are we here?" "I told you I started getting help,so twice a week I've been seeing Dr.James and I've been taking pills--" "For what?"I ask him and we stop in front of the door."I have posttraumatic stress disorder and bipolar disorder."He says and I scrunch my eyebrows in confusion."Chris?Why didn't you tell me before?"I ask and he shrugs."I was in denial Ni--Sorry I mean Imani."He corrects himself but I wave it off.He grabs both my hands and gets serious."If at anytime you want to leave,we'll leave ok."I just nod and we walk in to a therapist style room.
"Good afternoon Chris."A middle-aged white woman,who I'm guessing is his therapist,says."Hi Kira,this is my friend Imani."He introduces me and as I shake her hand.I look at him frowning.We walk over to the chairs.He places his hand on my lower back as we do and I lean into him."Friends?"I ask and he laughs without answering.
"Ok so tell me why you brought Imani here today Chris." "Cuz she means a lot to me and I just want her to understand why I do what I do sometimes."He says staring at me and I look down."So I'm guessing he told you he's been diagnosed."She says and I nod."So my job is to help Chris fight his personal demons.We've made a lot of progress these past 3 weeks and I'm sure you've noticed."She says and I nod smiling slightly.Its true he's been a lot better.I wish Trinity would see that and be happy again...
"So would you like to tell Imani how you've gotten to this point?"She asks Chris and he sighs."I guess its now or never."He says and fully turns to me."When I was little my parents were always fighting and my mom was always leaving and coming back and I was so tired of the constant change.I guess thats why I'm really controlling when it comes to who I'm with.I never had someone with me growing up and I'm afraid to be alone again...Jasmine is always leaving and it drives me crazy."He says gritting his teeth but he calms himself down."Thats where Fera came in.She said she would never leave me...but she did,and when you and Trinity tried to I lost it."I nod and she motions for him to continue and he sighs.
"It was really bad in highschool when my dad walked out on us.I turned to drugs..I was doing speed and molly like it was nothing.One day when I was picking up my stuff things went bad and I got shot near my heart.It was the scarriest moment of my life.Everyone thought I transferred but I was in physical and emotional therapy for months.I struggled to get out of bed every morning,and going to sleep every night.To this day I still dream about that night but ever since you've been here I've been calmer.Things have been better."He says and I smile crying.I pull him into a hug and he cries into my chest."I'm so sorry Chris..I never knew."I say and he shakes his head."Ok great session today we'll pick up on Friday."Dr.James says and we stand up and say goodbye.On the way out I'm the one who takes his hand and he smiles at me,but when we get to the car he stops me."The offer is still there.If you want to leave when we get home and take Trinity you can go.I think I'll be ok by myself."He says and I think before shaking my head."Chris this probably makes me crazy but I don't want to leave you.As long as you're getting help then I'll be here for you."I say and he smiles.I lean in and kiss him and his hands go to my ass.He pulls me closer and deepens the kiss."I love you so much."He says when we pull away."I..I love you too Chris."I say breathing hard and he pecks my lips before letting me go.We get in the car and drive...home.
"I'm going out for a bit Ni."Chris says when we pull up to the house and I nod.I reach for the door but stop.I turn around and kiss him and he smiles against my lips."Bye."I say hopping out the car and walking to the front door."Trinity!"I yell after I close the door.She doesn't answer so I walk to her room and don't see her.
"Trinity?"I say knocking on her bathroom door but still no answer.I just walk in to see Trinity on the floor with her eyes closed and blood between her legs....
Damnnnn what happened?Imani and Chris?Comment.Vote.And keep reading!

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