[1]~ Hello Mr Horan.

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( Emily's p.o.v )

Every single food i liked went into the trolley and rushed to the cashier. I was 10 minuets late from picking up my dog (Sparkle) from the kennel she has to go there when i go out to work or else she would be home alone.

Sparkle and i live in an apartment just the two of us and i hate it when I'm late to fetch Sparkle from the kennel because i know she doesn't really like it there.

You could also say i'm a fan girl over the bestest boy band in the world One Direction i have not been to one of there concerts before well they have only been here ones or twice but i some day i will and it will be amazing.

When i got out of the supermarket i fast walked my way to the kennel with 3 bags when i was not looking where i was going until i knocked someone down, causing him to fall on his butt.

" Oh my god, I'm so sorry " i apologized as i walk up to him and bent down to help him up with my 3 bags in my hand. He brushed his elbow before he turned to look at me.

I was Amazed at the colour of his eyes it was about the same colour as Nialls but i could not fully see them because he had a black cap on with a hoddy over top . " Ehem, uhm " he let out a cough i quickly snapped out of my thoughts. I helped him to his feet and thanked me before he started to walk away.

But i was puzzled i'm sure those eyes belong to Niall James Horan but i was not sure. Niall Horan wasn't the guy i just knocked over and helped up, was he?. I didn't even know Niall would be in New Zealand.

" Niall Horan!! " i yell and he quickly turned around to my direction and placed his index finger on his lips. I couldn't contain how much excitement was rushing through me but i played it cool so i waved him over to come back.

" Yes do you need anything? " he asked

" Yes i do Mr Horan i would love time to talk to you since your here in the flesh, in New Zealand" i asked with a bit of an nerve.

" I'm so sorry i would love to but i'm not free and the moment " Niall answers when i offered for him to come back to my apartment to talk. What was i even thinking i'am just another fan who has probably just asked him the same question as another 10,00 fans, Niall is such a busy man so of course he would not have time to come back with me.

" Its ok then " i told him nicely then i turned and walked away with my bags. My heart sank i was so close, yet so far.

I made my way to the kennel which was about 5 minuets away from where i knocked over Mr Horan.

" Your late Emily " Keturah said to me at the gate standing there holding Sparkles lead.

Keturah is my best friend ever since we finished college and she started up this kennel which Sparkle is in she knows how much i love Niall and i cant wait to tell her about today.

" I know i know " i say puffed as i drop the bags to the ground and take the lead from Keturah as i give Sparkle a big pat.

" Do you want a ride to your apartment? " Keturah offered

" I'm fine i don't want to bother you also you dont really want a dog in your car, do you? " i reply

" Its fine Emily really i don't mind " Keturah says picking up my 3 bags i nod as Keturah leads the way to her car.

( Niall's p.o.v )

I Called into a supermarket to get some snacks i paid for them as i walked out again. When i bumped into that girl earlier and she yelled my name i panic and ran in the direction of the supermarket so i though why not go in and buy some food.

When that girl yelled my name i also didn't have Paul and none of the boys with me, so i definitely didn't want to get mobbed by any fans alone.

I was walking past this roadside with my hoddy still on and hat, i could still not believe that girl new who i was without even seeing my hole face. I was walking to where i parked my car When Harry Called. " Yeah Mate " i answer the call.

" Niall, mate where the heck are you? " he asked

" Harry Harry don't worry i'm on my way back to the hotel now, has the meeting started?" I went out to find food and window shopping to entertain myself and the boys in the meetings.

" Oh, Dude the meeting was cancelled so we are hitting the pubs you want to join? " Harry informed me " Meet you there?, Normal pub? "

" Ok Harry see you there then " I say before the line cuts off i hang up when i hear a scream come from across the street, i look up to see the girl who knocked me over and a crazy girl jumping up and down and a light brown husky standing there watching them.

" Emily i cant believe you meet him, you really meet him " the black curly haired girl said loudly

" I know but he was not free tho " The girl says looking down at the dog. Did that girl have a boyfriend?, or was she talking about me?

I don't know why but i was watching the two girls talk about a guy? i think thats what they are talking about. But the girl who knocked me down had dark blond hair with brown and she seemed happy she meet this Guy of a sort.

Both of the girls looked young like 19 or so, i think the girl who knocked me down earlier was the owner to that dog. I continued to watch the girls talking when the black curled haired girl put some bags into the car beside them, and she opened the back door as the dog jumped in in back. And the blond hoped into the passenger seat.

I got into my car and i don't know what got into me but i found my self following them as they left.

Pick Me To Be Your Mrs Horan - A Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now