[ 40 ] ~ My Biggest Surprise

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( Emily's p.o.v )

I was laying down on my back on the bed. Niall had just gone to the shops.

We had arrived back to Ireland from our honeymoon, it was good fun and very active.

 It was late in the afternoon and I was slowly drifting off to sleep. I keeped trying to keep my eye's open but I struggled.

I never sleep in the day and if I do it really rear. I was happy to be back home and I was greeted by Sparkle waiting at the door when we went to pick her up.

The light rain making a thud noise on the roof as I slowly shut my eyes..

" Mummy wake up " A little girls voice called.

I woke and took a look around my room to find a little girl standing in my bedroom door.

" You have to drop me off to school, remember? " Her voice spoke.

I continued to steer at her with a straight face. " Mummy? " I said getting up from the bed.

" Mummy! I'm hurt! " She all of a sudden yelled out holding her arm out in front of her.

From there I saw blood drop from her arm, leaving a puddle of blood on the wooden flooring.

Stumbling over to her in shock I kneeled in front of her in a panic. " What did you do? " I asked eyeing her up and down to check for anymore injury's.

Then before I new it she was sick all over my top. When I looked up at her from the vomit her mouth was dripping blood.

I freaked out and fell back on my butt. The vomit on my top was blood and I too was about to be sick.

My eye's shot open as I leant ford from the bed. My breathing getting heaver, once I looked down I could see Sparkle looking up at me.

It took me a moment to realize it was just a dream.. Until I ran to the bathroom in a hurry to throw up.

I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, I felt weak and dizzy. I flushed the toilet before slowly standing on my feet.

I leant against the sink and took some deep breaths in calming myself down.

" Something isn't right " I said looking at Sparkle who had followed me into the bathroom.

That's when I felt sick and it wasn't me wanting to throw up. It was the thought I could be pregnant.

I ran over to the bedside table and grabbed my phone, I knew Louis wasn't doing anything so I called him.

He didn't answer so I left a voice mail. " Hey it's Em. Please call me back I need to talk to you, I think I may be pregnant don't say anything just call me back " 


Over the last 20 minuets I had been sick 4 times. Each time worse then the next, my throat was be  coming sore.

I looked felt terrible and Louis didn't call or text me back so i was left by myself.

My head was hanging over the toilet when there was a knock at the door.

I wondered who it could be before flushing and walking down stairs to the front door.

As i quickly opened it Louis took a step in the house wrapping me up in his arms.

" I'm so sorry Em " His soft voice whispered in my ear.

He pulled away and handed me a pregnancy test. I looked at it for a while as if i had never seen one.

Pick Me To Be Your Mrs Horan - A Niall Horan Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now