See you again part 2

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Your POV

Your morning was kind of a mess. You live in a tiny apartment. Your son, Drew was being fussy. Something didn't seem right. You gave him oatmeal  and he seemed to calm down. 

You were starting to get ready for your job down the street as a waitress. Then Drew was apparently down because he flipped over the oatmeal. You groaned aloud. You tossed the bowl in the sink and grabbed some paper towls to clean the mess.

Of course, due to your luck the door rang. You groaned loudly again. You got up from the floor and walked over to the door.

You opened the door and gasped.

Nico Do Angelo was standing there. 

He had gotten taller since last time. Today he was wearing dark jeans, black tennis shoes, a white t-shirt, and a leather jacket in his hand. 

"Can I come in?" Nico asked trying to step by you. You stepped close to him and shut the door, leaving you two in the small hallway. 

"What are you doing here?" your voice wavered. "I came to see you," he said cautiously. "Why?"

Nico's eyes flickered to the door. Your hand tightened on the door knob. "I wanted to see you two."

Your eyes widened. "Two? I don't know what you're talking about," You stared into his dark eyes. "I know about Drew," he spoke softly.

You start shaking your head. "How long have you known?"

Nico didn't respond. You felt like you knew the answer but you didn't want to believe it.

"How long, Di Angelo?" Nico's eyes turned to pleading me. 

You shook your head again. "I knew when we separated," if you weren't so close to him you wouldn't have heard him.

"Why?" your voice cracked and you felt tears in your eyes.

He had abandoned you and your baby. He had known that you didn't have anyone left yet he still walked away. 

"To protect you," he stared to panic. "I wanted to protect you and Drew. The monsters were coming after you. I thought if I stayed away it would help. My father told me it wouldn't after Drew was born. He said that the monsters would start to go after him."

"Excuses," you told him. Nico shook his head, "No, Y/N I love you. I love Drew. I want to be with you. I can protect you better."

"No," you didn't want him to just walk back into your life.

"At least let me meet him," Nico pleaded. I thought about it for a few seconds. Its not fair to cut him out of his son's life.

"Ok, come on in," you opened the door of apartment and Nico followed behind.

"Give me a minute to call into work," you said. After you called you walked back into the living room were Nico was looking around. 

He looked over at you and you mentioned for him to follow. 

"Now today is not my day. It's a little messy," you told him as he followed. In the kitchen Drew was still in his highchair with his hands smearing oatmeal all over the chair. 

You smiled at him and grabbed some paper towels. You turned back around. Nico was bender at the knees so he could look in Drew's eyes.

As if Nico felt your eyes, his gaze slid over to you. 

He reached his hand out to take the paper towels. He slowly dipped Drew's hands and face.

Once he was cleaned you asked, "there's a park not far from here that we can walk to, if you want?"

7 hours later

After going to the park Nico, Drew, and you had lunch at a cafe. The three of you went home and watched movies the rest of the day. You had already put Drew done with sleep. You sat down next to Nico and asked him, "Where are you staying?" Nico but his lip, silently telling you He had nowhere to go.

"You can stay here but you have to stay on the couch," you said without thinking. Nico nodded eagerly. 

You gave him an extra blanket and one of your pillows. You flipped off the lights and walked to your room.

"Goodnight," he said. 

"Goodnight," you spoke so soft that you weren't sure He heard. But he did. 

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