Our Story (Request for XxOmgTwdxX)

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Gabrielle Mata's POV

I woke up to an empty bed. 

My boyfriend wasn't in our room. I sat up and went to the bathroom. After I was finished I brushed my tangled brown hair. I would have to dye the tips red again because it was fading. 

I quietly walked down the hall to our daughter's room.

She was two weeks old now. When I had found out that I was pregnant I was really stressed. 

Nico and I were both nineteen and I wasn't sure we were ready. But then Nico assured me that we would have to try for our child. 

I was so happy when we had our baby girl, Natalie Di Angelo. 

I peeked in her room. Nico was standing over her crib. The curtains were open, moonlight streamed into the room. I could see Nico's bare muscular back. 

I walked in and slowly closed the door, not making a sound. I smiled at the sight that I saw.

Nico cuddled our daughter close to him. Her brown eyes were open and staring into her Father's eyes. I wrapped my arms around Nico's waist when I was close enough. 

He turned his head to see me. He turned in my arms so I could see Natalie.

"She was crying and I didn't want her to wake you," he said. I nodded and kiss Nat's cheek. 

"She's so beautiful," Nico said. 

I agreed. She was great. We would have a lot of chapters in our lives about her. Out story might have started Rocky but it was ours. Our Story with my little family.

"I'm going to go make a bottle for her so she can go back to sleep," I said. I want to the kitchen. I made her bottle and went into the living room where Nico had moved.

This time he was sitting on the couch. A blanket was seated in his lap. Natalie was holding onto one of his fingers. He had a cute, happy smile that stretched across his face.

I settled next to him with the bottle. Nico accepted it and moved her so she could drink.

Natalie drank most of the bottle. When she was done, Nico sat the bottle on the coffee table. 

He put the blanket on one shoulder and started to burp her. 

Once he was done Nico and I went and put her in the crib. Then we went back to our room. I crawled into bed and snuggled deep in the blankets. Nico joined me. We we're laying face to face. He leaned forward to kiss my nose. I giggled at his cuteness. 

Neither one of us could sleep so we talked quietly for awhile. Later on we both drifted off to sleep.


Merry Christmas to everyone.

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