Insanely Happy (Request for FxckItsChxrliexox)

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A/N hope this is what you wanted.

Camilla's POV

"Hey, hey, everyone," I walked up to the bench. Piper, Jason, Leo, and Katie were sitting on a bench in front of a fire. It was fall, most campers were home because of school. 

"What's up?" I grinned happily. 

"Nothing much," Katie replied.

"For a child of Hermes, you sure are happy. You sound more like a child of Aphrodite," Leo said.

Piper smacked the back of his head, offended. 

"Just kidding, Beauty Queen."

"Can a child of Aphrodite do this?" 

I pulled out his tool belt from behind me. He gaped at me and  looked down, shocked. He patted down his chest and then looked back up.

"Give me that?" he grumbled. I giggled and handed it to him.

"Oh! I forgot to tell you, the BEST thing happened today. So, I was like helping The Stoll brothers and we pranked the Aphrodite cabin. We painted this Pineapple and write on it with Sharpie 'For the HOTTEST!' Then we threw it through the window. Everyone started to argue! It was also funny!" I said.

Everyone laughed but Nico. I shyly smiled at him. He rolled his dark eyes. I just brushed it off, even though it hurt.

I signed and took down my brown ponytail. It sometimes hurt me when my crush just showed his hate. He did it often but it still stung. He never does it in front of everyone else. Just me.

Leo and Piper start arguing about something else. Jason just sits back with his arm around Piper.

I glanced at Nico,  rubbing my cold hands together. 

"How was your day?" I asked politely.

Nico gave me a hard glare. "Will you just leave me alone? You never stop talking. You're so annoying. You're not even wanted," Nico said quietly.

No one seemed to notice. 

I cringed as if he slapped me. That was one of my insecurities. Not being wanted. I hated going home. A lot of people disliked me because I was so bubbly. 

I used to have one friend. She suddenly got popular after puberty made her pretty. She told me that she couldn't be friends with me. That I was a loser. 

I knew I would never be the type of girl he would go for. I was so not his type.1

I nodded. Tears sprang to my eyes. I wanted to cry but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction. At least, not in front of him. I quickly stood up and walked away toward the dark woods.

Nico's POV

I watched Camilla's retreating figure.

"What in Hades is wrong with you!?" 

I looked over at Katie, completely shocked. I didn't think anyone was watching me completely destroy my chances with Camilla.

"You don't understand her," Katie hissed. 

She started yelling at me about how Camilla cared for me and demanding that I apologized. 


I walked through the woods as fast as I could. I was worried. It was dark and there were and things in the woods.

"Milla! Where are you?"

I heard a soft whimper near me. 

I walked in circle till I found her. She was on the ground. Her head in her knees that were drawn to her chest. Her shoulders shook with her sobs. I was instantly relieved.


Her head shot up at my loud sound. I ran toward her and pulled her off of the ground and into my strong arms. I spun in a circle. Camilla held on tight. She had a fear of heights and fast motion made her sick. 

Once I stopped she pushed me, hard. I stumbled back but I still held my ground.

"Go away from me and I'll leave you alone. Forever. I promise," She told me calmly. I hated that sound from her.

She was always so happy and perky. Hearing her any way else seemed strange and unnatural. I hated that it was my fault that she sounded that way.

"I'm sorry," I said.

"I forgive you," She sounded bland.

"Camilla. I messed-"

"I know and it's fine."

"No, it's not-"

"Just forget it."

"Mills, I just want you to know-"

"I'll leave you alone I promise."

"Will you stop interrupting me?" I snapped. She flinched but stayed quiet.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean it. I just.......I always push you away because...."

"Because?" Camilla urged.

"Because I don't deserve you. You're so happy and innocent and I don't want to take that away."

Camilla was silent for awhile. She was looking at her feet.

"Can I hold you?"

I don't know why I blurted it out but it felt good to say.

When she nodded I immediately pulled her close to me.

My nose was buried in her long brown hair. "You smell good," I commented. My cheeks flamed because I was embarrassed. Camilla giggled quietly. As soon as it came, it was gone. I frowned because so wanted to hear it again.

I moved my head, and nuzzled into her neck. She giggled quietly. I wanted to hear it louder. I started kissing her neck and sucked a little but into it. She didn't do anything. She was being difficult but I was determined.

I started blowing into her ear and tickling her sides. She didn't giggle but she laughed loudly. I grinned enjoying every bit of it. 

I eventually stopped and rested my forehead against hers. I had to bend a little because she was short. I looked into her eye and whispered.

"No more being quiet."

She stared into my eyes and nodded slowly.


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