Crossroads (Request for Naomi-Nicole12345)

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Sorry this is so late.

Leslie Fox's POV

I was at this point. I had two choices. I was sitting at a Crossroads.

 Connor Stoll or Nico di Angelo. Both vastly different. Both I have a different connections with.

As a daughter of Athena this should've been easy. I should make a choice like a strategy but it was harder than I thought. 

Both are different in not only appearance but personality. Connor was funny and always energetic. His sense of humor is what drawn me to him.

 But Nico was mysterious in ways. He was kind of closed off from people. He wasn't really interested in making friends. But for some reason that made me want him more. I've known him for over 4 years. 

We had more of an emotional connection. I feel like I could tell him anything and he wouldn't judge.

I knew about Connor's feeling a month prior to this. I just found out about Nico 2 weeks ago. Since that day I've been avoiding them both. I didn't want to keep leading them on. It wasn't fair. It was hard to stay away because both of them were my best friends.

I lay in bed thinking about them both. What would Athena do?


5 months earlier.....

"That's so stupid," both of us were laughing. I had just finished my funny story about a prank I helped Connor with. 

Nico and I were laying in his bed horizontal. Our feet and legs were in the floor. 

He was shirtless because it was summer and hot. Out arms rested against each other which made me almost shiver despite the coldness.

We both drifted in silence. 

"Your excited to go back to school soon?" Nico asked curiously. 

He stayed at camp year round and got home schooling. I on the other hand had to go back to my Dad's house.

I groaned in response. 

"You excited to see your Dad? You promised him you'd go see him before Christmas," I pointed out to Nico. Nico shrugged in response.

"I'll go with you if you want," I offered. I looked over at him. Nico stated at me for awhile before nodding.

"Thanks for always being there for me," he whispered.

"Thanks for letting me."


7 months earlier.........

"Happy Birthday," Connor grinned at me. He handed me a box and sat down. I eyed the box suspiciously. Connor liked to play tricks which meant this could be a prank. 

"I didn't do anything bad," he assured me. His eyes twinkled with mischievous. 

I opened my present, tearing away the bright paper. It was a cold plastic Tupperware container.

"What is this?" I asked. 

"I owed you money," Connor said as I opened the Tupperware. Frozen inside was all kinds of change and dollar bills.

I groaned Out loud.

"What? I gave you some cold hard cash," Connor shrugged innocently.

That's going to take me forever to get out. Connor owed me over 50 dollars.


I thought about it over and over in my head. Connor's infinite jokes. Nico's rare smiles. Our conversations.

Finally I decided and then I went to find him.

"Connor! Connor!" I hollered. 

He turned and grinned at the sight of me. He waved his friends in ahead and he waited for me to catch up. 

It was silent for awhile. It wasn't really awkward, it was comfortable. 

"You chose," Connor said. It wasn't a question. It was more of a statement.

"Yeah," I said gently.

"To be honest, I think Lou Ellen and I have been flirting. I'm glad you chose him," Connor smiled.

"I want to still be friends," I said. 

"I'd like that," Connor agreed. 


I found him in our spot in the woods. He was sitting on the ground, rested again the giant tree. Once He saw me he glared. I not my lip and walked toward him.

"I chose you," I said. Nico stood up and started to walk off. 

"Nico, wait a minute," I jogged up to him. Nico wouldn't even look at me.

"I chose you," I yanked him backward. He glared at me like I kicked his puppy.

"Why are you so mad at me?" I asked quietly. 

"Because I hate this. I hate the way you make me feel. Like I'm vulnerable. I don't like it," Nico said. I had to stand in my tip of my toes to reach his face. I cupped His face in my small hands. Nico stated into my eyes.

Then he kissed me. It was great for our first kiss. I was happy because it was him. I think it was always going to be him.

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