One day at a time (Request for Lyhackler644)

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Caroline's POV

Too late. Nico was to late to save me. His father won. The only happiness in Nico's life was me and his friends. But his Father couldn't stand it. He sent a monster to get me. I still remember it like it had just happened.

2 months earlier

"You were so flirting with that guy!" Nico snapped. My face turned red in anger and embarrasment.

A new camper had come up to me in front of our friends and complimented me. I complimented him back politely.

But Nico was just too stubborn and had a temper. He claimed that the guy was flirting. At least he didn't start the fight in front of everyone. Instead he decided to drag me away from our friends behind one of the cabins. Which wasn't much better. I knew I would have a bruise which angered me even more.

"I was not. He complimented me and I did back. It wasn't like I asked him out or 'hang out sometime' like you did with that Aphrodite girl," I snapped. 

"Caroline I was helping her practice in combat. It wasn't a date," Nico said loudly.

"Then why did you lie and say you were hanging out with the guys?" I asked him angrily. I knew that we should stop and calm down. But I felt like he was being a hypocrite. 

"Because I knew you'd react like this," Nico told me.

"Then why are you so angry if you aren't being honest?" I asked him. 

"Because you are always acting a s*ut," Nico snapped. I flinched like the words had physically hurt me.

Nico frowned. "You know I didn't mean that, Care. I just lost my temper."

"I think the truth comes out when you lose your temper," I told him. I stormed away from him. I was a little disappointed when he didn't follow me. 

I walked into the forest and just kept walking. I don't know how long I walked. I stopped walking when I heard a growl. I slowly turned my head to the side. A monster was about 6 feet away from me. 

The monster was like 2 Times taller than me and then some. It had dark green skin with oozing black goo from its pores. How did it get through the barrier?

I looked around and I noticed where I was. I was about 100 feet outside of the barrier. The monster growled again. I turned around and started running back to camp.

I could feel the ground thump as the giant monster ran after me. It didn't take long for it to catch up. It grabbed my ankle and pulled. I fell to my knees. The monster quickly started pulling me farther from camp. I could see someone walking around the edge of the border. I opened my mouth to scream. The monster pulled me with one hand and with the other it wrapped its hand around my throat. 

Not enough to kill me but it was enough to stop me. I could feel the goo drip on me. The hand slowly squeezed and I could feel claws in my throat.

I kept trying to scream. Even though I knew it was useless. But the monster kept pressing on my throat until I passed out.

Present time

"Hello,Caroline. How is he**?" Hades joked. I rolled my eyes at the joke and jerked on the chains that bound my hands. 

"I wanted you to see something. With some magic I am able to see whatever I want anywhere in the world. I just want to show you something. Watch this," Hades pointed to the wall. 

Nico Di Angelo x reader (Requests open)Where stories live. Discover now