Well Then...

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Hey every bro. So in this chapter you will get a teeny tiny little slice of rape. Sorry if it bothers you. Also I couldn't find a good image on google or deviantart so I made my own. Hope you like the drawing and chapter. Enjoy. -NS

Your P.O.V 6:00Pm Friday~
Damn, why do I have to live on the other side of town. I was walking home from school and it was really late. I'm bearly half way through the town. And I know what lurks in the alley ways. I twitch as I pass a dark alley way heading home. I hear a loud noise come from down the alley. I began to speed walk home and heard drunk babbling. This can't be good. I turn around to see if anyone's following me and see nothing. I sigh and snap my neck.

'Just my imagination.' I thought. I turn around and come face to face with a guy. He looked to be around his 20's or 30's. I gulp and back up only to get tackled by him. I drop my satchel on the ground. He pushed me against the walls in the alley. I hiss as my back made contact with the wall. He brought my hands over my head and using his other hand, stroked my hair.

"My, my, what beautiful (H/C) hair." He said. I shook my body trying to get out of his grasp. I started twitching and he smirked.

"So, you're like my sorry excuse of a son." He said. Wait..,WHAT?!?! This must be Toby's dad. The hand he was using to stroke my hair was lowered to my turtleneck collar. He pulled down the collar revealing my scratched up neck. He lowered his head near my neck. I felt his breath hit my neck sending goosebumps on my skin. I close my eyes and felt something touch my neck. I was too afraid to look and I tried calling for help but his hand covered my mouth. Tears started rolling down my cheeks like an endless river. So this is it...I'm going to get raped and left for dead in a dumpster. I give up. As soon as I stopped fighting, I felt the pressure of my wrists leave and the thing that was on my neck was gone. I open my eyes to see Toby beating up his father. He...came and helped me....why? Why did he choose to help me?
Toby's P.O.V~
Yay dad's not here. Note the sarcasm, he's never here. He's probably drinking or gambling or both right now. I hear my sister's voice.

"Tobias, mom needs you to go to the store!!" She yelled.

"Alright. I'll be down in a sec!!" I yelled back. I grabbed my wallet and went downstairs. Twitching of coarse. I kinda fell down the stairs and snapped my neck. My older sister, Lyra, giggled and helped me up.

"Really little brother? You should be more careful." She said. I smiled and hugged her.

"Maybe I will, maybe I won't." I joked. She smiled and hugged me back. I opened the door and headed for the market.

I was walking past a few houses when I hear a familiar voice. And when I say familiar I mean family member. It's my sorry excuse of a father. I walk slowly closer as to see what the hell he's doing that's so important than his own family. I see a certain satchel on the floor. That satchel belongs to (F/N)!! I slowly walk behind a light post and get a better view of what's happening. What I saw can never be erased. HE'S RAPING HER!!! I can't believe this, I finally find a girl that could be a friend and she's getting attacked by my horrible excuse of a father. I twitched and I picked up a big rock from the ground and chucked it at my dad's head. I ran and started punching him in the gut. I had punched him one last time in the face before stopping. I look up and (F/N) has a shocked look on her face. Was it because of my outlash? Or just fear from being attacked? I run up to her and she wouldn't move.

"(F/N)!!(F/N)!!! IT'S ME, TOBY!!! (F/N) SNAP OUT OF IT!!!" I yelled shaking her body. I glance at her neck and see it's all scratched up. I stop and put my index and middle fingers on her neck tracing one of the cuts. She jumped slightly and came back into reality.

"T-T-Toby...." She voiced out. I smile.

"Thank God. I-I thought I l-l-lost you." I said. She still had the sense of shock in her eyes. I look into her (E/C) eyes and she twitched a little.

Ticci Toby x suicidal self-harm readerWhere stories live. Discover now