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 And what he was doing was unbelievable.......

your p.o.v

h-he was kissing another girl....

she had a clock for an eye...light brown hair....and a denim jacket on...

i gasped...unsure of what to do...I was frozen...I felt my world crashing down...

when I gasped, It made the girl and Toby both pull apart from each other. "(y-Y/n)...I-i can expla-" "S-shut up...!!! I don't wanna hear y-your lies...y-you bitch...!!! You're playing with my emotions and that hurts so much!! I-I cant be around people that hurt me or lie to me...I hate liars more than anything...." "(y-y/n)...please let me explai-" "N-no! have f-fun with your new g-girl toy! I-I hope you have a lot of "f-fun" with her!" I spat out with tears rolling down my face. I ran out of that room as fast as I could. BEN was walking down the hallway, looking down at his DS. He looked up when he heard me running "Hey (y/n)! How'd it go talking to the new g- h-hey whats wro-" He didnt get to finish his sentence. I wanted out of there, away from him, away from the pain, away from the world....and I know exactly where to do it....

I ran to the nearest lake...I used to go here a lot until I heard about a Little boy drowning in this lake. I got scared and never returned because I thought there was a monster or something that could pull little kids in that didn't know how to swim. I went there and looked into the water. 'what do I have to lose at this point in life...? Nothing really...heh...i guess this is it...goodbye..."

I extended my arms like wings, looked at the sky, slightly smiled, and fell back...

I felt the cold water surround me...still looking at the sky...i felt my eyes getting heavy....


all I seen was darkness...



Hello hello everyone. How are you? I'm so sorry for the long ass cliff hanger but ive been swamped with school exams and I've been battling some mental health issues and my heart murmur is acting up now that im starting to get active for the summer. I hope everyone likes this chapter. Next chapter will be BEN's P.O.V (point of view) so get ready for that! Thank you all for reading. I have 1 question for all of you...Do you like BTS? Alright, have a good day/night. You all are beautiful and I love you.

Until the next chapter everyone

much love



Ticci Toby x suicidal self-harm readerWhere stories live. Discover now