I Love You....Toby

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Your P.O.V

Once BEN and I returned home, BEN went to take a shower, and I was left trying to find Toby.

I was knocking on every door, Asking if they knew where Toby was and all of them said that they had no idea where he was. Until I knocked on a door and a little girl opened the door. "Hello?" I smiled. "Hello, do you know where Toby is?" Her eyes widened and she giggled. "He's in here, come on in!" She moved aside and I walked in, seeing the funniest thing ever. Toby was in a pink tutu, and was surrounded by teddy bears, in front of him was a small table with a tea set on it and fake muffins.  I started laughing and he turned his head towards you and his face went red. 'Y-Y/n!" "Isn't he pretty?" The little girl said and I nodded. "Like a pretty Pink Princess!" I started laughing more and his face turned 50 shades redder. I looked at the little girl and said "Sweetie I need to talk to Toby, alone...do you mind if I take him?" "Nope! I don't mind!" I walked over and held his hand and walked him to my room. behind us I head Jeff yelling "I DONT WANT A DAMN MAKEOVER!!!" and then a door slamming. I giggled as Toby stepped into my room and I shut the door behind him. "Have a seat on the bed Toby. Get comfy." He took a seat on the bed, and I took a deep breath. "Toby..." I explained how BEN lost the one he loved most to him and I swear I seen him have tears in his eyes. Once I was done. I looked down and sighed. Unsure on how I should tell him how I was feeling. "I-I was thinking...Well...i wasnt thinking...I guess I was just waiting for a good time to tell you this...I love you..Toby...and I wanna be with you for the rest of my life...I don't wanna be apart anymore...I want you by my side forever..." Toby jumped up from the bed and looked at me. "Are you serious?!" I smiled and nodded. "I lo-ove you too, Y/n." he had one of his twitches and I smiled. Toby hasn't changed. And i'm glad. "y/n, I l-love you so much" He kissed me. It was with so much passion that all I could do was kiss back and melt into the kiss. after about 2 minutes into the kiss, he pulled back and I started blushing. "BEN you can come out of the Tv now."  i heard a chuckle and he was climbing out of the tv like a girl out of a horror film. "That's cute..." is all he said until he vanished in thin air.

Now, I have the love of my life...all i need to do now

is kill that son of a bitch who almost ruined my life...and Ruined BENs...

and to ask slender if-------------------------


hello hello! It's megan here! and i'm not going to be sharing the other thing you're wanting to do because that's a surprise and it'll give away the ending!

as much as you guys hate to hear this (probably) the end of the book is coming to a close and the ending is being close. very close.

Well, I'll try to update later tonight, BUT idk if I'll get to be able to. I'll try very hard.

now, thank you all for reading

you're all beautiful

and I love you

- Megan

Ticci Toby x suicidal self-harm readerWhere stories live. Discover now