Ticci Toby's P.O.V

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I woke up in a room all by myself. I looked around the room and I didn't see (y/n) anywhere. I panicked and screamed her name. i teared up, worried about (y/n). Where is she? Is she alright?

Few minutes later, the door opened, and a girl was standing in the doorway. I only seen her silhouette. "(y/n)...?" "i-it's m-me..." After she said that, the last little bit of light that was coming in the room, was gone because she shut the door. I swear. I sounded like her, looked like her...and she even smelled like her. We talked for a little bit. and then i heard shuffling,  then, she sat on my lap, wrapped her arms around my neck. She started kissing me, and I kissed back. It was getting heated, until, the door opened. I heard a gasp, which made "(y/N)" and I jump. The person who opened the door, turned on the lights, and I seen it was (y/n)!! "(y-y/n)....let me e-ex..." "N-No!  S-Stop playing with p-peoples emotions!" She was balling her eyes out. And she left.

"y-you...w-who are you..?" "the names Clockwork, but you can call me Clocky. Or, the girl who's right for you." I picked her up, and tossed her to the side,I heard a huge thump, but I dont care. i need to explain things to Y/n! I ran out of the room, expecting to see Y/n somewhere, but she wasn't. I couldn't find anyone. A clown walked up to me, and started talking to me. He convinced me that instead of crying, I should kill. And I agreed. So, that whole night, I was out killing with a Clown, named Laughing Jack. He told me to call him LJ, so I shall.

Once we arrived at the mansion, a guy called slenderman, showed me to my room. I took a shower, and then headed to bed.

i'll talk to Y/n in the morning hopefully...


Hello! I'm so sorry about not updating. Apparently all the chapters in this book are "mature" though this book is rated M! It took off the cover of this book and told me to edit these chapters so they are better. But im not, so, i kinda see this book not lasting much longer. And, people say that this book is turning into a BEN x reader book and I promise its not. I wanted  to show how close of friends BEN and you are getting.  I also wanted to show people that BEN really isn't perverted. He can be, but its like a funny perverted. (you'll see that later on in the book if it stays up.)

anywho, thank you for reading, and im sorry that it's so short but I don't really have time to update it today. So, heres a question for you.

Who's your top 3 favorite Creepypasta's? Mines BEN, Toby, and Eyeless Jack!

Thank you for reading again, ill update asap

I love you all, you are all beautiful and amazing. Have an amazing day/night!

- Megan

Ticci Toby x suicidal self-harm readerWhere stories live. Discover now