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My P.O.V

Y/n woke up, and seen that BEN was no where to be seen. She decided to walk around the mansion, and see if she can find him or Slender. Whichever came first.

She walked until she found herself at a part of the mansion she didn't know about. She was scared, but she continued to walk forward until she felt someone tap on her shoulder. She yelped and quickly turned around. "Slender!" she said in relief and she sighed. "Do you know where BEN is?" She asked. "Little one, he's...somewhere...that's important to him...He told me that you'd probably look for him once you woke up, and he told me to give you directions to where he is. So I shall" He nodded his head and she felt like she knew where BEN was. 'Thank you." She said, with a bow, and left.

about 15 minutes have passed and she seen BEN on his knees in front of a grave. He was in the middle of nowhere, under a tree. I stood there, and Just watched him.

after about 30 seconds has passed, he cleared his throat. "Y/n...I know you're standing there...I can feel your presents....come here...." She gulped and walked over to him, and she sat on the ground beside him, and she read the name on the grave in her head. 'Natalie Boyd...' (this name is made up. if this is your name or you know a person with this name, it is coincidental!)

(Please start listening to "The Truth Untold" by BTS while you read this part. It'll add onto the sadness and its an amazing song. If you like kpop or not, you'll agree with me that it is a good song) (here's a link    https://youtu.be/WMDgIBX6qSQ     Enjoy)

"You're probably wondering who this is and why i'm out here...well....this y/n....was my first love...(I hear suga saying "Listen boy! My first love story!" This is a BTS reference, if you get it i freaking love you lol) and she died...because of me..." y/n gasped and looked down. "oh my...I'm sorry BEN.." He sighed. "Listen to this story...y/n...and never forget it..." He took a deep breath. "Natalie and I were both 14...we were in love...She spent the night with me. We were asleep when Slenderman sent Masky and Hoodie to come and get us. Just like he did with toby and you...We were happy living in the mansion. We made friends, and an enemy...y/n...the same thing happened to me...like it did Toby...Same scenario...I thought Clockwork was Natalie...Natalie seen us...and well...let me tell you this before I finish the story...Natalie always thought that I could do better than her...and always told me to leave her...even though she didn't want me to...and that was her biggest fear...Natalie had a lot of mental health issues too...anxiety...depression...and schizophrenia....But dammit I still loved her....a-anyway....she seen clockwork and I together...and when I tried to get up and run after her...Clocky stabbed my leg...and I was unable to move for 15 minutes...and by that time...she was long gone...and clockwork left....I screamed for help..and Eyeless Jack helped me put bandages on my leg...once he did, I thanked him, and ran to were I thought Natalie would be...The place we first met..which was right here...under this tree...y/n...this tree used to be a cherry blossom tree...Natalie's favorite..." He paused. "that's my favorite tree..." He smiled. "I know...It seems to be a favorite of females...I-its my favorite too....a-anyway...when I arrived here...MY worst nightmare came true...Y/n...she hung herself because of me....s-she left me a note...and it said "Ben....my love...I'm sorry...I know I told you so many times to leave me because you could do better...but deep down I didn't want you to...It was my biggest fear...and to see you with her...it hurt...i'm sorry Ben...if I was a normal girl...without all my problems...I would have been here just crying..but...my schizophrenia got the better of me...and told me to hang myself...I'm sorry...I'm in a better place now...I promise...I'm sorry again...Please forgive me...I hope I can see you again soon....I know I will...I know where i'm going i wont see you from above...I'll see you from below...i'll ask the devil nicely to see you..i'm sorry, I'm running out of room to write. Please dont cry over me...i'm nothing to cry over...well my love...this is goodbye...

Ticci Toby x suicidal self-harm readerWhere stories live. Discover now