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I woke up in an office....alone...Toby was nowhere to be seen...I was scared and about to go into a panic attack when I heard in my head "it's ok child, I mean no harm. Just calm down. It'll be ok." 'What the hell?' I thought. I haven't heard THIS voice in my head before. It's new. Just after I thought that, a very tall figure teleported into the room. He had no face...it was plain white...and he was wearing a very fancy suit and tie... He must be behind all of th- OH GOD HE HAS TENTACLES! Wtf?! I started to panic again. "W-what is he going to do to Me? Is he going to kill Me? Hurt me? Torture me? Oh god I'm scared..." 'Calm down little one. I'm not going to do any of those things. I'm just here to ask you a few questions...' I sighed. "Alright. What do you wanna ask me?" "Have you ever wanted to kill anyone?" Without think, I said yes. And when he asked who, a few people popped into my mind. The people who bullied me...some of the jocks that liked to slam me into lockers...and my father for leaving my mother and I all alone...I wanted to kill all of them...I wanted to make them suffer... "Well, you are a evil little thing in such a cute form...I think you'll work well..." "Huh?" After I said that, ringing was heard in my head. But instead of passing out...I felt like I was being controlled...I wasn't thinking straight...I didn't have control over my body...I was being controlled...but how...?


Before I knew it, it was around 7:15, just a few minutes before first period started...I was in school...why...? Why would I be brought back to this hellhole? I walked to my locker, opened it up, and grabbed pencils...I walked up to a group of the popular girls, the ones who bullied me...one of them started talking...but...I stabbed her in the neck with my pencil...the other girls started screaming, so I needed to silence them as well. I stabbed them as well. I seen that one of them had a hand knife in her purse. I took it and basically killed everyone in school. Even the principle and Vice Principal. And to be honest...I didn't mind. I loved it. Now, I can only imagine my next destination...my fathers house...finally...~


I was at my fathers house. The door was unlocked so I just walked in and was instantly hit with the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. Ew. I covered my nose since I hate the smell of cigarettes. I've been through this house before. So I know where everything is. I went to the spare room and looked at all the weapons...how do I wanna kill him...? I thought for a second, I know what I'll do. I'll make it look like a suicide. I grabbed a gun, walked into his "writing room"  and wrote a "goodbye note". I have his handwriting down. Since mother worked a lot. I wrote myself notes to get out of PE class. After I wrote that, I kept it in that room. I wasn't stupid while I was doing all this. I had on gloves so my fingerprints weren't anywhere. (I've watched Danganronpa, I know how to do this.) I walked to my fathers room where he was passed out on the floor. 'Of course...' I though as I got beside him. "Goodbye you good for nothing piece of shit." I pointed the gun, and pulled the trigger and shot him. "Ah~ reds such a pretty color~" after I killed him, I realized. I wasn't under control as I killed him...I was only under control when I killed everyone in the school....what the hell...

Once I left the house, the feeling of I know where to go came. So I followed that feeling and I was led to this abandoned mansion. I entered it. Not thinking twice where I was greeted by this short, weird, elf boy who looked a lot like link...

"Hey, you must be (y/n). Sup?" I twitched. "W-what the hell? You're just like the new guy..." "T-Tobys here?" "You know him?" I nodded. "Oh, well let me show you around and then I'll show you where he is." I nodded again and along the way, I found out that his name was BEN, and his father, and 2 cousins killed him by drowning him in a lake. I could tell he was still childish, I mean, his room was green and decked out in Legend of Zelda stuff. He even has 2 plushies of link! Well...1 now, he gave me 1. It was cute. I met a lot of people while he showed me around. Yet, I can't tell you half of their names. Some of them scared me. Especially this guy called Enderman...BEN told me to protect my Asshole...whatever that means... (😂😂 oml) and finally, we ran into the tall, faceless guy again. BEN told me to call him Slendy. BEN asked slendy where I was going to be staying, and he said if I wanted to I could stay with BEN. Of course I said I would. BEN's cool, and I don't wanna tick off a killer and the only guy I've met in the mansion that seems like he won't kill me in my sleep.

Once all that was done, BEN showed me where Toby was. And what he was doing was unbelievable....


Hello everyone! Megan here! Wow, it's been a while. Sorry to keep all of you waiting. Also, for whoever called me a fake fan of ticci Toby just because I put Toby saying "ow ow ow". No. I'm not. You'll see why I put that later on in the story (*cough* *cough* next chapter *cough* *cough*) anyways, I'm sorry. Being a cosplayer is hard work. And trying to stay organized is also really hard. Y'all are probably wondering why I left you all hanging. I'll tell you why.

2017 was very hard for me. I lost a lot of loved ones and it was very hard for me to cope with it. And the start of 2018 doesn't seem to get any better either, I've lost 3 loved ones already. In my family, death comes in 3's. So I hopefully will have a break, so I can update this book now. Also if y'all are interested in my cosplays, my Instagram is Miss. Septiceye or check out my wattpad @ Megan Trancy.

I think is this all I had to say, so I hope you liked this chapter, and I'll see you all in the next chapter.


- Megan ♪( '▽`)

Ticci Toby x suicidal self-harm readerWhere stories live. Discover now