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Your P.O.V.

after all that happened, BEN brought me up to his room and he wanted to know exactly what happened between Toby and I since I was away with him for almost an hour. So, I told him everything that happened and then I told him that I was exhausted. So he played me a song on his Ocarina, and I fell right to sleep.


Once I seen that Y/n was asleep, I closed my eyes and tried to feel all the electronic devices that were on in the mansion. Toby's T.V was on, So I teleported into his T.V and heard him talk to himself about how he was going to "Win" y/n back from me. heh, this idiot. He really is dumb. I listened to him, and I started to feel bad. Toby really likes Y/n and he's willing to do anything to get her back....

Hint: I STARTED to feel bad. Then I heard him call me a gay elf boy. Now I want him to rot in hell. Well...kinda....

he's not wrong...I'm not all the way Gay....and I'm not all the way Straight...I'm Bi...but still...he hurt y/n and I hate when people hurt other people...granted, I believe him when he said that he thought that Clocky was y/n...I was in the same situation because of her...yet....mine was worse...the girl I loved...Killed herself...

I think thats why I stepped in...I could feel that Y/n had mental illnesses...like Her...I felt her..when I was with Y/n...I'm happy when i'm with y/n...because she reminds me of her...I feel like I need to protect y/n...because I wasn't able to protect her...My stupidness...ended up with the love of my life dead...I'm not going to let her die too...shes my best friend...I don't wanna lose her....

I left his T.V., and I played on my DS until Y/n woke up...I know her and I won't hang out as much after I tell her to do this...but I wanna see her happy...even if it means giving up my only light in this world...I'm willing to give it up...

For her happiness....


Hello guys! I'm sorry for not updating like I was suppose to last night..I fell asleep. Please forgive me...The next chapter might be sad, so prepare the tissues.

Thank you all for the positive feedback on my cosplay! It means a lot to me!

I don't really have anything to say, so,

thank you for reading

you're all beautiful


i love you

- Megan

Ticci Toby x suicidal self-harm readerWhere stories live. Discover now