Bye Bye Boo boo

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Please read the Authors note at the bottom of the chapter. It'll have a poll on it that I want you guys to vote on!

Your P.O.V

I hung out with Toby with the rest of the night. I went to check on BEN but his door was locked and he wasn't answering so I left. and as I was walking back to my room. I seen Jeff come out of the little girls room wearing a pink hoodie, and he had make up on, and a tutu. I looked at me and said "YOU TELL NO ONE!" Then a click was heard behind me. I turned around and it was LJ holding a camera, and he was laughing. "Wait until I get thisw printed!!" after he said that, he was gone with a very angry Jeff following behind him. I giggled and went to my room and waited for a long time.

-3:15 AM-

It was finally time for payback. I got dressed up in all black, and grabbed a sword, and duct tape. I quietly opened the door and looked around. Everyone was asleep. I crept down the hallway, to Clockworks room. I crept it open slowly (after looking under the door for any light at all and there was none) and went inside. I walked over to her bed quietly and softly put the tape over her mouth. I have small and soft hands so it wasnt too hard.

Once I put the tape over her mouth, I taped her hands and feet down to the bed and watched her sleep for a while.

She needs to dream while she still can. Because where she's going, there will be no dreaming. Just screaming.

Once I got bored. I decided to give her a slow and painful death. By cutting every inch of her body until you decided to finish her off by stabbing her. You giggled in a cute yet crazy way, and when you turned around, slenderman was standing over you. You were scared. Almost shaking. Slenderman can be intimidating. "Finally...someone did it...I was starting to wonder how long I had to wait until I get to see her dead. I'm proud of you child." I smiled. and when I went to look at my masterpiece, it was gone. I looked at him and he simply said "I denigrated the body." I nodded and then he put one of his tentacles on my back. "Get some rest've done well." I nodded again and skipped to my room, got changed, and went to sleep.

Task one, Kill clocky- Check!

Now I hope task two will be as simple...


Hello hello. first off, I hope you liked this chapter! I know i did!

now, second off. The poll. Say you were in this spot.

Your boyfriendgirlfriend asks you what you think about tattoos. You respond with saying you're not too fond of them. And then he/she responds with "I've been thinking about getting one for a while now" When you know he/she hasn't.

then, he/she asks you what you think about weed. and you respond with "I don't like people who smoke weed. I think they are stupid." and he/she responds with "I'm going to be hanging out with a few of my friends tomorrow and when all of us get together, there's weed involved." and then you get mad and say "I feel like my opinion doesn't matter to you. I feel like you're going to do whatever you want even if I hate it. So why even ask me? I don't feel like there's a point anymore. You ask me about the tattoo, I said I don't like it, and you still want one. You ask me about the weed thing, I said I find people stupid who do it. And yet again, you're going to do it anyway. Why ask? There's no point!" and he or she responds with "It's my body and I'll do whatever I want with it."

and at this point, you're beyond pissed. If this was anime, your face would be red and there would be smoke coming out of your ears.

poll: What would you do?

A.) Break up with him or her.


B.) Go with the flow.

Please tell me down in the comments what you'd do. Please I'm begging. I'm desperate! I don't know what to do.....I feel like sitting down and crying. I'm so lost...please help...

No matter how hard you try...Life isn't going to be like a the end, everything will turn into despair. Despair is inedible....

I guess I'm a victim of Despair...I yearned for Hope...and in the end, Despair won....

Despair is everything, and is everywhere, isn't it?  It's in the Truth, in lies, inside "The greatest thing on earth!" ya know...that damn thing called Hope....It's in Hope a lot...that quote that your mother used to tell you all the time: "Don't get your hopes up", was trying to protect you from Despair in it's purest form....

(If you ever say that, please quote me (Megan or Miss.Septiceye or Megan_Trancy) )


A-anyway, thank you for reading this chapter and I'll be updating soon! Don't fall into Despair like I did....

Stay young, wild, and Free! (Iwatobi swim club)

You're beautiful

and I love you

(Also please vote for that poll, itll mean a lot to me!)


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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