oh my god!

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Toby pushed jeff to the ground and stabbed him! Then he screamed in pain before he died. Oh god! why?! T-this isnt toby. n-no, not my toby...he-he wouldnt do that...

He started walking towards me and I was too scared to move. I was frozen. Once he got to me, he hugged me. I felt the warm blood that was on toby, seep through my shirt. I started crying. I dont know how to feel about him about him anymore.... 

Police sirens were heard in the distance. I started hearing a loud ringing in my ears and apparently so did toby because he grabbed his head and was yelling "o-ow ow o-ow!" That was the last thing I heard before I passed out....

about an hour later, i woke up, it was dark, but wherever I was, there was a super small window showing a little light into the room by the moon. toby was still passed out. He was twitching more than normal, i wonder why.....I heard shuffling in the corner and I got scared. I couldnt see in the corner since it was under the window. "w-who is there...?" I asked, worriment was clearly heard in my voice. "D-Dont be scared....w-we w-wont hurt y-you..." a soft voice said. I could tell he was shy. I started to calm down. "m-my name is (f/n)." What/whoever it was went quiet. "i-i cant tell you my name...im sorry. You s-seem nice a-and all but....I-i cant....my b-boss will get mad at me...." "i-its ok..." I heard toby crack his neck. "(F/N), w-who are you t-talking to...?" "i_im not sure but..hes really nice." "h-he...?" "y-yeah, him" I heard toby do a 'hmp' sound and then he went silent. I-is he jealous...? 

a few moments later, the door opened quickly then slammed shut. "Damn! You dont know how to shut your mouth do you?! Damn Brian!" "i-i'm sorry t-" "Sorry doesnt fucking cover it does it?! Brian I cant count on you to just sit in here and watch our victims slowly go insane can I?! No! I cant! You have to fucking talk to them!" "H-Hey! no need to be mean to him! Y-you asshole!" I hate it when people pick on shy people. I hate it! I started to get angry. "y-you need to pick o-on someone y-y-your own size! L-leave the shy ones a-alone!!!" At that moment  the door slammed open and the ringing in our ears from before came back and quicker from before, I passed out.....

Ticci Toby x suicidal self-harm readerWhere stories live. Discover now