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Lrya and Toby both helped me into the car since it was really hard to get into the car since the stitches were on my stomach. Lrya told me I could keep the seat belt off since it might irritate the stitches. 

-At the Rogers household-

Lyra and Toby helped me into the house and sat me down on the couch, once i sat down i slid down a bit since it hurt to sit hunched over. "What are you going to wear? We dont have any of your clothes here...." Lrya said. "I-I could go to (F/N)'s house t-to get some of h-her clothes...." Toby said and blushed slightly. I blushed slightly as well. "W-well I just bought some clothes the other day..." I stopped myself when a memory of Sally came into my head. I looked down at the floor and cracked my neck. "U-Um....I haven't h-hung them up y-yet, there s-still sitting in a b-bag on my f-floor in m-my room...." Lyra looked at Toby and said "I need to go to the store anyway, I'll drop Toby off at your house while I run to the store and grab some waffles. Ok? (F/N), will you be ok on your own?" I looked up. "y-yeah. I should be f-fine. A-as long as your d-dad doesn't c-come home I should be o-ok....." Toby said "I-I can't p-promise that h-h-he wont come h-home tonight but.....I-If he does...." Toby handed you Lyra's phone. ".....I-if you need a-anything, push this first button and i-ill run here as fast as I can. o-ok?" "a-alright. t-thanks Toby." You cracked your neck. Lrya grabbed her keys to her car and Toby put on his jacket and Lrya left and Toby stayed a bit longer and looked at me. I felt a sharp pain go through my stomach area and i whimpered in pain. Toby looked down. "t-take it easy (F/N), don't move t-that much....I-it could open your stitches..." I nodded. "o-ok Toby. Thank y-you for l-looking out for me. I-I really appreciate i-it...." Lrya honked the horn of her car telling Toby to hurry up because shes tired of waiting. Toby sighed and waved bye as his neck twitched. He closed the door and you looked down. Remembering the things Sally said. "It all h-happened so fast...a-and what did s-she mean by 'Don't cry (F/N). We'll see each other again....i promise....'? I sighed and thought about it.....

-to (F/N)'s house Toby goes!-

Lrya looked over at Toby while driving to (F/N)'s house. "While you're in (F/N)'s room, you cant go through her underwear and bra drawer. Unless you're being nice and ACTUALLY getting her some panties. Dont be that ONE GUY that who goes through girls clothes being a creep." Toby bushed madly. "O-ok Lrya I g-get! G-geez...." Lrya giggled. "I'm just saying little bro....I see the way you look at her....I can tell you really like her...." Toby blushed more. "M-maybe I do....I-im not sure yet..." Lrya pulled into (F/N)'s driveway and unlocked the door so Toby can get out. Toby got out and before Toby could shut the door Lyra started talking again. "Remember! Don't be that ONE GUY!" Toby laughed softly "A-alright alright. I w-won't." "I love you little bro." "I-I love you t-too. Be s-safe heading t-to the s-store!" "I will." And with that, Toby shut the car door and walked to the front porch and unlocked the door and went inside the house and upstairs and into her room. "W-wow...all the d-drawings...." He looked around my room, seeing all of my random drawings. Toby looked on your night stand to see.....a razor?! "w-why does she still have that?" Toby looked around and on your old radio, there was a knife. "w-why leave t-this kind o-of stuff just l-laying around....? O-oh that's right.....s-she doesn't have p-parents to say n-not to do s-something and to do s-something....." Toby saw the clothes on the floor and picked them up and went to the underwear and bra drawer and looked the other way and grabbed whatever his hand touched. (good thing it was 5 pair of panties so you can have some for a week. and a few pairs of socks as well ^_^) Toby then left your room and downstairs and outside waiting for Lrya to come back from the store.

Ticci Toby x suicidal self-harm readerWhere stories live. Discover now