I-I don't know....

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Please read the author's note at the bottom!!!

Toby's P.O.V

I woke up to the smell of pancakes. So I got up, and put a band aid on my face so the side of my face doesn't freak people out. I was already dressed so I walked out of my room, and downstairs to the kitchen. A little blonde elf boy was sitting at the table, playing a ds, and he looked like he was  getting aggravated. I heard a familiar giggle, and I walked around a corner and a little girl, slenderman, and (y/n) was there fixing breakfast. "Y/n!" I said and she turned around, and instantly she looked sad. "What do you want..?" "can we please talk...?" She looked up and slender and he looked down and nodded. "I guess..." I walked passed the elf boy and when he seen Y/n, he stood up. "y/n..?" He said and he seemed worried. "I'm fine BEN...ok?" He nodded and sat back down, then glared at me for about 30 seconds, and then he went back to playing his game.

I took Y/n up to my room, we sat on the bed, facing each other, and I explained everything to her. "S-so...do you believe me...?" She shook her head and looked down. "I-I don't know what to believe anymore T-Toby..." I looked down and I felt a little weight move off the bed which made me look up. y/n was standing, and looking at me. "You should come and eat breakfast." She said, and left. I sighed, and went downstairs with the rest of the pastas, ate breakfast with them, and once I ate, I washed my dishes, and went back up to my room. I spent the rest of the day thinking about how I can win Y/n back from this BEN character. She is mine, and always be mine. I'm not gonna lose to a gay elf boy!


Hello everyone! First off, its pride month. So happy pride month! I'm sorry if any of you are homophobic, but I am bi. But sadly, i'm still in the closet. My grandma is Homophobic, and my mom doesn't approve of gays.

second off, As you all know, im a cosplayer. and I've been able to do my BEN Drowned cosplay for 2 cons. If any of you guys reading this live in the Tennessee area, I went to the con down there. Fanboy expo where It was my first time showing off my cosplay. Then, I went to Ohio and went to a con down there called Animatic con, and that was my second time.

anyway, you're probably wondering "Hey, why are you telling me about your BEN cosplay?" Well, its because I decided to show you!!

( I will be deleting this later!)

This was taken by an amazing guy that I met at the con!

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This was taken by an amazing guy that I met at the con!

I took this myself

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I took this myself. This is one of my favorite cosplays to do.

Ugly af I know im sorry for hurting your eyes lol

the cinderblock that i'm carrying around in the first pic is made out of foam. I made this costume myself. The only things i didn't make was the wig, elf ears, the majora's mask cartage, pants, and the chains.

anywho, thank you for reading this chapter. I'll  be updating again later tonight.

Oh! If you wanna see more of my cosplays, go on my Instagram (@ Miss. Septiceye) or, go on my wattpad account (@MeganTrancy)  and look at my cosplay book.

alright, back to your normally scheduled outro!

Thank you for reading, you all are beautiful, see you all in the next chapter

i love you all

- Megan

Ticci Toby x suicidal self-harm readerWhere stories live. Discover now