so cute

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Toby and I woke up and looked at each other, Toby face was red and the twitched and said "g-good morning (F/n) h-how did you s-sleep?" "g-good. thanks f-for asking." Toby smiled. I giggled and Toby smiled. "s-so what do you want to do?" I shrugged. Toby looked around and sighed then twitched. "H-how a-about a walk i-in the woods?" "T-that sounds like fun...." I got up and stretched and then Toby stood up and cracked his neck. 'for some reason I find that cute...' i thought. Toby looked at you and smiled. "r-ready to go...?" "y-yeah..." Toby walk to the door and held it open for me.  I smiled and walked through and then waited for him. Toby shut and locked the door behind him and he looked away and his face became red. "T-toby whats wrong...?" "D-Do you mind i-if I hold your hand while we walk to the woods and w-while we wa-walk through the woods..?" I blushed and smiled. "I dont mind Toby. I-if you want to hold my h-hand you d-dont have to ask." Toby quickly grabbed your hand. "c-cool." I smiled more and we walked to the woods and talked about why Jeff might have went insane. I said maybe it was because of the bullying and he just couldnt take it anymore but I dont know. Im not jeff. We got to the woods and about a few steps into the woods we saw sighs that said things like 'NO EYES ALWAYS WATCHING' and things like that and It was  creepy. We kept walking and we kept feeling like we were being watched and I started to get scared so I hung onto Toby's arm a bit and he smiled and and acted tough but inside he was scared too. "I-im sure its o-our imagination( f-f/n). E-even if someone is watching us, I'll protect you!" I blushed "You.....I remember to be beautiful......" This voice was raspy and had an insane hint in it. "w-w-who's there?" I asked with my legs starting to tremble. "dont you remember me from the therapy thing....?" it said. I thought. 'therapy session? who did I see...? It can't be liu because hes dead....s-so it must be.....J-Jeff....!' "j-jeff.....?" I asked and twitched. "Finally I know who I am!" Jeff stepped out from behind a tree, holding a knife and walking slowly towards us. Toby let go of my hand and looked at me with a small smile, "(F-F/N), run. run fast (tokyo ghoul anyone? when hidami's moms about to die? No, sorry for bugging your reading. continue! ;_;) no matter what happens, no m-matter what y-you hear, just run and d-dont stop running until you see a good hiding spot. T-then ill come and find you a-and get you. i-i promise." I hugged toby quickly and teared up. I might loose my only friend, my only crush, and the only thing I can count as family....

I let go of him and ran. I ran about 2 feet away from them and hid behind a tree and watched, scared out of my mind. "so you had to protect her, didn't you?" "i-i do, I promised t-to protect her." jeff chuckled. "alright, its your funeral." Jeff started to run at toby and toby pulled out a knife from his pocket and the battle was on. I watched in horror over how many times toby was almost hit. I stopped watching, I closed my eyes and said a quick prayer and then started watching again. I shouldnt have turned to watch. What I seen was horrific. 



HI GUYS CLIFF HANGER!!!!! Next chapter youll see if toby is dead or not. anyway, I went to the concert and it was ok. the experiece was bad but Andy Black and Palaye Royale wasnt bad. William control sucked tho. he was so disgusting! He would spit and then go to sing it it would hang and the whole time i was like *holds in puke* ewww....

BUT! Anyway, on Sunday, march 26th, I will not be able to update because I'm going to Animatic con in Cincinnati ohio. So, if your going to Animatic, Come see me! Im going as Junko Enoshima from Danganronpa. if you wanna know more, follow me on instagram at miss. septiceye 

Anyway, thank you for reading and I will see all of you, in the next chapter! Bye guys! DONT FORGET TO VOTE AND COMMENT ON HOW WELL IM DOING! ^_^ 

Have a nice day guys!

Ticci Toby x suicidal self-harm readerWhere stories live. Discover now