The New Boys and New Nickname

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How you doin bros? I am not doing well. I'm having brain farts and I'm losing my creative juices. If you can leave comments on what you'd like to read. Anyways enjoy. -NS
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your P.O.V~
Ugh, time for hell. I got up at 3:00AM resulting in only getting 4 hrs. of sleep. I got up from the bed only to feel more pain shoot up in my legs. Probably not a good idea to cut your legs when you have to walk to school. I got dressed in my usual clothing, a longsleeve shirt, a (F/C) scarf to cover my neck, jeans, and biker boots. I grabbed my satchel and my school books and started walking to school. I heard faint footsteps coming from behind me. I turn around to see Lrya and Toby. I sigh in relief it wasn't another drunk and waited for them. I smile and wave at them. Lrya smiled and waved back. Once they caught up with me we continued walking to school. Toby wasn't really talking the way to school which was strange since he was 'very talkative on long walks' so I've learned from Lrya. I frown. What's eating him? Once we got to school I check my watch. It's 6:00AM yay(FNAF pun intended)I'm not late. We walked in through the gate and I automatically get shoved to the ground. I hiss at my full body making contact with the ground and heard a cackling hienna. My satchel opened and all my books including the horror book fell out. I grabbed my head and began picking up my stuff as quickly as I could. Toby ran up to me and helped me pick up my stuff.

"(F-F/N)!! Are y-you alright? Here, l-let me h-help you." Toby said shacking frantically. He ducked down and picked up most of my books. He picked up a black book that fell out and opened it. It was a drawing book. I was so busy focused on the pain I was feeling in my legs I didn't notice Toby had my drawing book. I was brought back to reality when I heard Toby's voice.

"(F/N), did you draw this?" He asked. I jumped and blushed. Did he like the way I draw? I draw pretty much whatever I see or just feel like drawing. I had a drawing from the woods, a drawing of a butterfly, a drawing of a humming bird, and the last picture was of the Oak Tree I go to during lunch. I gulp and nodded. He smiled and put the book in my satchel. He got up and extended a hand out to me. I blush and took his hand. He pulled me up and I stumbled a little due to the pain in my legs. He caught me and gently pushed me back up. I regained my balance and walked to my first class.
In le classroom before class started~
I was the first one in the class since everyone was either with their friends or getting school breakfast. I pulled out my Science book, my drawing book, and a pencil from my satchel. Ms. Kust is like the only teacher that hasn't given me a hard time. She knows about my conditions and is completely fine with them. I opened my drawing book to a blank page and completely free styled it. I wasn't even paying attention to the drawing or that Ms. Kust left the class until the bell rang. I jumped and looked at my picture and blushed. I drew a picture of Toby. Why I have no idea. A blonde girl walked up behind me and grabbed the picture.

"HEY EVERYONE!!! (F/N) HAS A CRUSH ON TICCI TOBY!!!" She yelled. I blushed a darker red and dropped my head down so my hair was a curtain over my face.

"Since she's in love with the timebomb let's give her a suitable nickname. How about (adj.)(F/N). It's perfect."(Okay, this might be a little confusing for you guys so I'm gonna explain it. So you know how Tobias' nickname by the other students is Ticci Toby, well it's your turn. Choose a movement adjective that starts with the same fist letter of your name. Mine would be Shaky Savannah. Get creative with it. Also, remember it since it'll be your creepypasta name. That is all.) The blonde said. I swear why do I have to put up with this. All for a stupid picture. I felt tears threatening to spill. The door opened and Ms. Kust walked in the class. The blonde grabbed the picture and went to her seat. Ms. Kust walked into the class with the 2 boys from therapy. I banged my head on the desk. Today is just wonderful.

"Class, we have new students today. I want you all to be nice to them. They have just moved here and are not very comfortable here. Would you 2 like to introduce yourselves?" Ms. Kust asked. The light haired brunette in the white hood walked up.

Ticci Toby x suicidal self-harm readerWhere stories live. Discover now