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Your P.O.V~
I was walking to the clinic for my daily routine. Go to therapy, go to rehab, get only 4 hrs. of sleep. I left earlier than usual resulting in me getting there way early than my schedule. I sat down in the waiting room and see a lot of people in the waiting room which was strange since this place is never full. I see a few kids and their parents. I look next to me and see 2 boys. One was wearing a white hoody, jeans, and sport shoes. He has light brown hair with blue eyes. The other was wearing a blue striped scarf, a beigh button down coat, brown jeans, and black converse. He has dark brown hair and green eyes. I sigh and reach in my satchel pulling out a book. It was a bunch of horror stories put into one book. I didn't realize a pair of blue eyes was staring at me until the nurse called my name.

"Miss (F/N)(L/N)." She called. I look up and stood up. She gestured me to walk to the office door. I put the book back in my satchel walked to the office.

"Alright. Take a seat. Dr. Hazani will be in in a sec." The nurse said. I nod and walked to the velvet colored couch. I pulled the book back out and continued to read. A short while after Dr. Hazani walked in with the 2 boys from earlier and I quickly put the book down. I gulped and started twitching. I know this is a place to explain and let it all out but, I'm scared. I don't know them, what if they say things to their friends, what if they bully me? This place isn't necessarily a 'tourettes syndrom patients only' area. My shaking only got worse and worse. Crap!!! Dr. Hazani ran to me.

"(F/N), it's ok. They're not going to bully you. They're nice boys." I snapped my neck and my twitching slowed down. I take a deep breath in and out.

"Better?" She asked. I nod shyly. She gestures for the boys to walk into the office.
????'s P.O.V~
Ugh, why do we have to even be here? Just because some jackass gang picked a fight with us and I beat them up shitless? They started it. My brother sighs and I groan. This is so boring. I heard a little bell ring when the door opens and see a girl with (H/L)(H/C) hair and vivid (E/C) eyes. She's kinda cute. She sat down next to us. She pulled out a book from her bag. Something about the book is familiar. It hit me, she found my book!!! Liu had tossed it out since he said it was 'too scary for a little boy'. To scary my ass we're in therepy. I was staring at her until the nurse called her in.

"(F/N)(L/N)." The nurse called. She put the book back in her bag and walked to the office entrance. (F/N) huh, pretty cute name for a pretty cute girl.

"Someone has a crush." Liu smirked. I blushed a bright pink.

"Shut up." I growled. He laughed.

"C'mon little brother, I saw the way you were looking at her." He said. I gave him a glare.

"Hey, we're starting school tommorow, worst case scenario she won't be in our grade. All you can do is wait little bro." He smiled. I smile back.

"Yeah, I guess your right." I said. The entrance door opens again and a woman walked in. I think she might be a doctor. She was wearing a lab coat so it kinda makes sense.

"Hello Dr. Hazani. You have quite the full house today." The counterlady said. The one I think her name was Hazani, sighed.

"Alright, I might need to overlap some patients. Who are next on the list and who's in the office?" She asked.

"Jeffery and Liu Woods are next and (F/N)(L/N) is in your office." She groaned and put her hand on her head messing her hair up a little bit. I'm confused, why is she fretting about combining our sessions? She was whispering stuff to the counter lady. The lady shook her head.

"You have to combine them, Hazani." The lady said. Hazani sighed and let out a sigh.

"Fine. But, this probably won't be good." Hazani said. She turned around and scanned the room. Me and Liu stood up.

"Are you Jeffery and Liu Woods?" She asked. Me and Liu nodded. She sighs and opens the door to the office. We walked in and see her sitting on the velvet colored couch. She looked beautiful on that couch. Once she saw us she started twitching. Dr. Hazani ran up to her and put her hands on her shoulder.

"(F/N), it's ok. They're not going to bully you. They're nice boys." She said. I heard a snap and saw (F/N) take a deep breath in and out.

"Better?" Dr. Hazani asked. (F/N) nodded slowly and Hazani gestured for us to walk in. Liu and I walked in and sat next to her. Dr. Hazani pulled out a clipboard and pen.
Your P.O.V~
I don't want to be here anymore. This was the one place I can actually say what I can't say in normal areas. How is she even going to ask the super personal questions? I can't breath. I get up from the couchand whisper in Dr. Hazani's ear.

'Can I wait 'till after they're done?' I whispered barely audible to the boys. Dr. Hazani shook her head.

"Sorry (F/N), there're too many patients. I have to get your test done with them. It's fine, you can say anything here remember." She said. I look down and nod. I sit down on the couch and Dr. Hazani started asking the questions.

"Alright this question goes out to all of you. Has anything positive happened to you this week?" She asked.

Jeff's answer: Not really.

Liu's answer: Um, we moved here yesterday.

(F/N) answer: I m-met a b-boy and he is n-nice to m-me.

"Alright, this one goes to Jeff and Liu. Have you 2 delt with tramatizing experiences?"

Jeff's answer: Not yet.

Liu's answer: Does dealing with muggers count?

"Okay, (F/N) this one's for you. What grade have you started?"

(F/N)'s answer: I started 9th grade last Monday.

"How is it, (F/N)? Is it fun, hard?"

(F/N)'s answer: It w-would be f-fine i-if I wasn't b-bullied.

"(F/N), have you delt with anything tramatizing this week?"

(F/N)'s answer: *gulp* I-I w-w-was attacked by a d-drunk on m-my way h-home on F-Friday. And I-I w-w-w-was a w-witness to a l-little 8 y-year old girl's d-death.

"I'm sorry. Ok, this one's for Jeffery and Liu Woods. Have you 2 had any suicidal thoughts or actions?"

Jeff's answer: .....

Liu's answer: Um, no....

"Okay, can you 2 turn around for a few minutes?"

Jeff's answer: A'ite. *turns around*

Liu's answer: Okay? *turns around*

'(F/N), take off your clothes. I need to check your body for new cuts.' She whispered. I look back to make sure they didn't turn around and shakingly started undressing. I was in my (F/C) laced bra and matching panties. She gently grabbed my right arm and examined my arm. No new cuts. She examined my left arm. No new cuts. She looked at my legs. No new cuts. She then went behind me and examined my legs. 4 slight cuts going diagonally on my left and 5 on my right. She went back around in front of me and flipped my arms over. I had 18 newcuts on my left and 12 on my left. She frowns and whispered.

'(F/N), what are these? I asked you to stop, why did you continue?' She asked. I was so focused on getting it out that I spoke above a whisper.

"Because my mother's death still haunts me. And I feel like I'm the one to blame." I said. I grabbed my clothes and quickly dressed myself. I grabbed my satchel and left the room.
Jeff's P.O.V~
I turned around just wanting to get out as soon as I could. I heard a zipper and blushed. Is she changing?! A while later, I heard a female voice that wasn't Dr. Hazani's.

"Because my mother's death still haunts me. And I feel like I'm the one to blame." I heard a zip again and heard tapping on the hard wood floor. I turn around and saw a flash of (H/C). I look on the table and saw the book. I frown and pick up the book and put it in my jacket.

"You 2 are free to go." Dr. Hazani said pulling her hair into a ponytail. Liu walked out and grabbed my arm.

Ticci Toby x suicidal self-harm readerWhere stories live. Discover now