Chapter 6 - Maria

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I slipped my right hand on the back of his neck and pulled his face closer to mine. I could feel his breath on my face. He slipped his left hand on to my lower back and pulled my hips toward him.

Now Ollie.

I pulled his face a little closer. I felt his lips softly touching mine.

“What’s going on here?” Jay shouted.

I stepped back. My cheek turned red. I bit my lower lip and looked away from the boys and the girls that were coming out of the pub. I looked at Christine and Tom. They were no longer sitting on the sidewalk; they were standing up, coming our way. I turned around.

“I was looking for Christine.” I said.

“And I was looking for her.” Max said, looking my way. He was standing on my right.

The girls smiled at me. They were standing behind the boys.

“You were looking for me?” Christine asked me. She was standing next to me.

“Yeah… I wanted to ask you if you wanted to go home.” I said.

“What time is it?” she asked.

“It’s 2:15am.” Nathan said.

“Oh! Already?! Yeah, I think it’s time.” she said.

“We were heading home as well.” Siva said.

 “Thank you for inviting us. It was really nice.” I said.

“It was our pleasure. We had fun.” Jessica replied.

Then, we all said goodbye. They all started to walk away, but before Max could go too far, I grabbed his hand and put a nice little kiss on his left cheek.

“See you soon, I hope.” I whispered, letting go of his hand.

Christine and I held a cab and went straight back home. I was so tired that I fell asleep on the ride back. Christine had to wake me up when we got to the apartment. I got out of the cab and walked straight inside and into my bed. I was so tired.

I woke up the next morning, to my sister calling me on skype. I got up and walked to the computer table.

“Ollie! Hey! How was last night?” she said, very excited.

“Hey, Abbey… What time is it?” I asked her rubbing my eyes.

“It’s 11AM.” she said.

“Already?” I said surprise.

“What time did you come home, last night?”

“Around 2:30AM, 2:45. I don’t know.”

“You look so tired. Hahaha.”

“Abbey, can I call you back in like 30minutes. I just want to take a shower and get myself a coffee.” I said.


I ended the video conversation and walked back to my room, to grab some clothes. I grab the first t-shirt and the first pair of jeans I could find and walked in the bathroom. I was so tired I almost fell asleep on the counter. About 20minutes later, I called my sister back.

“So! How was it?”

“I’m very good Abbey, thank you.” I said sarcastically.

“Haha, so how was it?” she said.

“It was great.” I replied.

“It was great is not enough, Ollie. I want details. DE-TAILS.” she said.

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