Chapter 47 - New Beginning

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"Can I move in with you?" I asked Max, even if I already knew the answer. He didn't say anything; he simply smiled and kissed me again. "I'm gonna take this for a yes." I said, pulling away from him.

"You better." he said, his eyes shining.

"I thought you wouldn't be happy..." I started. he raised an eyebrow and I continued. "I thought that maybe you were going to think that we were moving too fast... and with what we just went through... I was scared you wouldn't be as happy as I am."

I looked at my food and looked back at Max. He was staring at me; his eyes finding and locking mine. He took my hand between his hands and brushed one of his thumbs on the back of my hand. I put lock of hair behind my ear, as they had fallen in front of my face. I felt the corners of my mouth lift themselves up. The way he was looking at me could only make me happy.

"It might not be the right time, because of everything we've just been through, but I couldn't be happier. I think that even if it might be coming fast, it's the right step for us, right now." I couldn't stop smiling. "We've haven't been together for a very long time, but it feels right." he continued.

"It feels so right." I said. We kept looking at each other for one or two minutes, before I broke the silence. "I can't wait for the next chapter of my life. I can't wait to live with you and to move to beautiful London."

"You mean rainy London." he said, jokingly.

"Same thing." I said, rolling my eyes and smirking.

We finished eating and ordered a dessert for the two of us. We kept talking about all the things we were going to do together, how excited I was about my new job and what I was expecting from it. Max also told me about the times he was interviewed by Capital. It seems like the boys really enjoyed their time at the radio station, which made me even more excited for my future in this radio station.

Max came back to my place that night. Since Christine was back in the UK, we had the whole place to ourselves and, we took advantage of it; I honestly never thought the kitchen counter was so comfortable.

I woke up the next morning, when I heard something fall on the kitchen floor. Max wasn't in bed, so I figured that he was the one making all the noise in the kitchen. I reached for clothes on the floor, but there were none. I walked to my drawers and took a pair of panties and a t-shirt. I walked out of my room to find Max halfway in the fridge. Our clothes were all in a tiny little mountain on the couch. I walked over to them and started folding them correctly.

"Why are these still here?" I asked Max, confused and then realised the answer to the question. "Never mind, don't answer it." I said as Max was smirking at me.

We might have started in the kitchen, but we deffo finished in my bedroom. When I finished folding our clothes, I went in the kitchen and sat on the counter, where I was lying on, last night.

"What are we having for breakfast?" I asked.

"Eggs, bacon, toast, anything I could find." he said smiling, with his spatula in his hand looking like a chef.

"Do you need any help?" I asked him, jumping off the counter.

"No. I'm good." he answered and kissed my forehead.

I went back to the clothes and brought them back to my room. I was putting our clothes on my bed, when Max's phone started ringing. I checked the caller ID: Nathan.

"Hey Nath!" I answered the phone.

"Ollie? Where's Max?" he asked.

"I'm very good Nathan, thank you, how are you? Max is in the other room."

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