Chapter 17 - On The Booze!

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"I can't believe you've been here for a week already." I said.

My sister and I were taking out breakfast on the balcony.

"I can't believe it either and so much has happened." she said. "I guess that's why they call it "living in the fast line". So many unexpected things can happen under the spotlight."

I nodded. She was totally right. Just thinking about all the things that had happened in the last few weeks, it was overwhelming. I never imagine living a life like the one I'm living now, never in my wildest dreams. It was weird, I wasn't used to that, but Max made all worth it. I took the People Magazine issue that was on the table and started to look through it. On page 10 there were pictures of the boys and we were all there, I mean all the girls. The pictures had been taken yesterday. I could tell because of the clothes we were wearing. I used to love going through these magazines, but now that I was in one, it was different. In the down corner of the page, there was a picture of Max and I holding hands and they had written:

Is The Wanted's ladies man, Max George, off the market or is she simply another victim of his charms? It seems to us that he's officially taken; "She's his girlfriend and he's very happy at the moment." a source told People, yesterday. "It's really new, they just started dating, but he's already head over heels for her. She's a very nice girl." the source said. Looks like another one of the bad boys of pop has found himself a girl to his arm.

"It's weird though..." I said handing her the magazine.

She looked at the page.

"It is. To see us in a magazine like this one. What do you think mum and dad will think? When they see this?" Abbey said.

"I rather not think about it. You know how much dad hates everything Hollywood related and mum doesn't give a shit." I answered.

"Do you think they'll be disapponted in us, for living the way we do now?" Abbey asked.

"Well, I've made so many choices that disappointed them, that honestly, what can one more do to me? I'm gonna tell them, you either agree with it or you don't, but that won't change the facts."

Disappointing my parents is kind of something I've learn to live with. Not getting into the right schools, failling classes, not making the choices they wanted me to make in the pass, because I chose to live a life they don't completely agree with. I chose to follow my dreams, I chose to be a dreamer, someone who believes in her dreams, my parents are more like... realistic people. They never chased their dreams, because they think it's ridiculous. That's probably why I don't talk to them a lot. My sister is a mix of both.. In families there's always one kid making the bad choices, the one that will disappoint the parents and one kid that makes the right ones. Abbey might be wilder than me and straight forward, but as far as I can remember she has always made the right choices, those choices my parents always agreed with. Her being with Siva, assuming they will end up together, will probably be the first time they see her through the same eyes they see me.

"Siva makes you happy?" I asked her.

She smiled and nodded.

"That's all that matters. They will have to live with it." I said getting up and leaving the table. Leaving my sister alone on the balcony.

I went to my room and sat on my bed. I started to think about my parents and my relationship with them. Life is sometimes so complicated. My phone started ringing then.


"Ollie! Hey! It's Marcella."

"Hey! How are you?"

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