Chapter 29 - Down Under - "I Cheated On All My Past Girlfriends."

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Sitting on my bed; looking around; remembering the night we had, my head was pounding. The sun was shining bright. I got up and walked to the balcony. When I stepped outside the warm breeze caressed my face gently. I put my forearms on the railing and looked around. It was already so hot outside. I stayed for a couple of minutes and finally went back in.

Max was still sleeping. I was going to get back into bed, when someone knocked on the door. I grabbed one of Max's t-shirts and opened the door.

"Hey Ollie!" Nano said.

"Hey." I said. I stepped outside of the room and closed the door behind me, but not completely. "What's going on?" I asked.

"Is Max awake?"

"Not yet."

"Okay, we have to leave in 2hrs. Can you wake him up?"

"Yeah, sure." I answered.

"See you later." he said.

I nodded and walked back inside the room. I took a shower and woke Max up, after. We both got ready pretty quickly. Once in the hotel's restaurant, we met with Jay and Jess.

"Where are the others?"

"You just missed them."

I sat at the table with my plate. Max was getting himself a coffee and a tea for me.

"So.. last night was fun." I said.

"I don't totally remember what happened." Jay said.

"You don't?"

"Well, I remember the restaurant, coming back to the hotel... but I can't tell at what time we went back to the room and what happened between my fifth beer and the time I got to bed."

Jess was giggling beside her man. I couldn't help myself, I was laughing; Jay looked so lost, with his curls falling in front of this forehead. Max came back quickly and sat next to me.

"Milk and two sugars." he said giving me my cup of tea.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." he answered. "Any of you know what's on the schedule for today? I know, we have The Voice tonight."

"I think I heard Nano say to Kev that you have one TV interview and performance before you head to sound check." Jess answered.

"Wait... we're not going with them?" I asked, confused.

"What? Why are you saying that?" Jess asked.

"You said '... you head to sound check.'..."

"No, we are. Well if you want." she answered.

"Well, I want to. Haven't seen this guy in so long." I said pointing at the handsome man sitting next to me, still looking at Jess and giggling.

When we finished our breakfast, we had around 45minutes to kill. I wanted to go back to the room, to take my purse and maybe a few more things I would need for the rest of the day. Max came with me. He didn't have too, but he wanted to. Jay and Jess had left a few minutes before us.

Once in the room, I grabbed the things I would need for the day and put everything in my purse. We still had a lot of time to kill, so we both sat on the balcony.

"When are we going swimming with sharks?" I asked him, out of the blue.

"You wanna go swimming with sharks?" he asked, surprised.

"Yes!" I answered with a smile which made him smile too.

"I'll see when we can go."

Since we had so much time ahead of us, a little tweeting session was in order. I went back inside, grabbed my phone and came back out. I opened Twitter and I had a few tweets waiting for me. One was from my sister:

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