Chapter 49 - The Beginning Of The Rest Of My Life

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"I don't feel too good." I told my sister.

"Have you eaten anything?" she asked me.

"I did..." I answered.

"It's probably just the stress. Have you spoken to Max?"

"No. I don't want to see or speak to him until the moment has arrived." I answered. "I really don't feel too good."

My sister grabbed my hands and squeezed them between hers. I looked up at her.

"Ollie, you're simply stressed out, but don't worry. Everything will be amazing. You've been planning this for months. Even the weather is amazing. Stop stressing out. I forgot something in the car; I'm gonna go get it. I'll be back soon. Try to relax, the girls will be here soon." Abbey said before walking out of the room.

My sister was right; I had been stressed out for the past week, because of this day. I had felt like shit because of the stress that today brought me. I sat on the chair in the hotel room, closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I needed to calm down. I had nothing to worry about, everything had been very well organized, everything was on schedule; this whole day was going to be perfect. Anyway, if anything went wrong, there was nothing I could do about it, at this point.

I felt nausea take over my whole body. I ran to the bathroom, fell on my knees and let whatever I had in my body out.

"Ollie?" I heard Marcella asked as she was walking inside the room.

"In here." I said weakly, trying to stand up.

Marcella walked straight over to the bathroom.

"I had a feeling I would find you in here." she said as I flushed the toilet and stood in front of the sink to wash my face. "How are you feeling?" she asked.

"Okay, I guess." I answered lowly. "A little stressed, but I've been feeling stressed all week and being sick all week, because of it." I answered, turning the water off.

"Ollie, I don't think you've been sick because of stress." I looked at her confused. She opened her bag and got a little plastic bag out. "Here." she said, handing me the bag. I took the bag, opened it and reached for the box that was inside. I looked up at Marcella and she smiled at me; encouraging me. "Take the test Ollie." she said.

I felt panic take over my pale body. How had I not thought about this before? I remember now that I had skipped my period this month, but I didn't think anything of it, since I always had problems with 'my time of the month'. I couldn't be pregnant, not today anyway. I was not ready for a kid; I was way too young. I looked at Marcella, panic in my eyes.

"There's no need to panic, babe, not now anyway. Take the test and remember that no matter what the result is, everything will be alright." she said, encouraging me.

"You're right." I said.

I closed the door behind Marcella, opened the box, put it on the counter and read the instructions. I knew what I had to do, but I wanted to make sure I was not going to do something I shouldn't.

A couple of minutes later, I opened the door of the bathroom and walked out. Marcella was sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for me to come out. The second she saw me, she stood up and walked over to me.

"And...?" she asked.

I handed her the test, not wanting to say anything.

"Congratulations?!" she said and hugged me.

"I found pregnant Maria and not so pregnant Christine, in the lobby!" my sister said as she was walking in the room, Christine and Maria behind her. "Ollie, what's this?" she asked as I was letting go of Marcella.

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