Chapter 44 - Happy Birthday Max!

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It was 10:30PM and I was looking at myself in the mirror for one last time.

"I guess it's now or never..." I whispered to myself.

I was wearing a white batman dress, the kind of dress you see celebrity wear. My hair were straight and falling on my shoulders. I had put a black pair of stilettos, to make the dress look a little less casual and I had a black little clutch in my hand.

I took a deep breath and walked out of my apartment making sure to grab my car keys and my phone on my way out. It was a really nice September night, there was no clouds in the sky and the stars were shining bright. It wasn't too hot either, the little breeze making the temperature comfortable. I sat behind the wheel of my car and started it.

I left my car outside the boys' hotel and a lovely gentleman gave me a ticket, got inside my car and parked it for me. I took another deep breath and walked inside the hotel's lobby. I headed straight to the reception desk.

"Good evening miss. How can I help you?"

Hi.. I was wondering if you could tell me where the bar is?" I asked with a low voice.

"Go down this hallway; the double doors on the right."

"Thank you. Also, are The Wanted there, or are they still in their rooms?" I asked.

"I'm sorry miss, I can't give you that kind of information." the young man said.

"Oh.. okay.. well thank you." I said and smiled at him.

I walked in the direction the young man told me to go. Once in front of the double doors I stopped for a few seconds, thinking to myself; questioning my decision and finally walked inside.

I walked over to the bar; there wasn't a lot of people, but I couldn't find my sister or any of the boys. Maybe they were still upstairs, in their room. How was I supposed to know. The receptionist wouldn't tell me if they were still upstairs or not and I didn't want to call my sister to tell her I was here. Finally, I heard a familiar accent. I turned around and coming right behind me: Tom.

"Ollie!! What are you doing here?" he asked, obviously surprised to see me sitting on a bar stool.

"Hi Tom. It's been a while."

"It has!" he said, hugging me. "Can I have another round please?!" he asked the bartender. "Are you here for Max's birthday?" he asked.

"Sort of... I just want to talk to him. Where is he?"

"He's by the pool. He's not in the mood for a celebration you know. We can all tell that he's trying to have a good time, but we know he's not up for a party." Tom said.

"I'm gonna go see him." I said getting off the stool.

Tom smiled at me and I smiled back as I was walking towards the glass doors, which opened on the pool area.

Max was sitting on a chair, his back to the door, in the dark, alone and a beer in his hand. He didn't turn around as I walked near him. I sat on the chair next to him and before he lifted his head up to see who it was, I put my hand on his knee and squeezed it a little. He lifted his head and his eyes widened when he saw me.

"Hi.." I said shyly.

"Ollie... what are you doing here?" he asked confused.

His eyes were full of hope, I could tell.

"I wanna talk to you Max." I said, looking away from him, then back at him.

He looked at his feet; it was easy to see that he had lost the little piece of hope he had in his eyes five seconds ago. I put my index finger under his chin and lifted his head and turned his face so he would look at me. My eyes were re-discovering his beautiful face; his gorgeous green eyes, his beautiful heart shaped mouth. All I wanted to do right now was to kiss his lips, which I did. I brought his face closer to mine and kissed him as hard as I could and he gave me back my kiss. His face between my hands, he had put one hand on my knee and the other one was behind my head and neck, holding me close to him. I had missed this, I had missed this more than I thought I had. Right now, there was no other place I'd rather be. Out of breath, I pulled away from his lips and rested my forehead on his.

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