Chapter 14 - You? Here?

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"Christine, come on!!" I said, very excited.

She looked at Abbey and I and put her food on the little table in front of the couch. She sat back and started talking. Finally.

"As you guys went back to the flat me and Tom sort of just hanged, you know." Christine said.

"No I don't know, get descriptive here." Abbey said turning impatient. I was getting impatient too. I just wanted to know what had happened.

Christine laughed as she proceeded to speak. We all sat comfortably, laughed and ate.

"Okay, so on the way back, I was a little tired so as we were already holding each other's hands, I delicately put my head on his shoulder and simply fell asleep. I felt like Tom was smiling, but I wasn't certain. When the drive was finally done, I felt a finger go around my hair that was in my face and brought it up to my ear. I couldn't help it, I was about to smile, but I'm glad I didn't because Tom kissed me on the cheek to wake me up."

"Stop being so adorable to each other." Abbey said while I laughed.

"How can I stop it?" Christine said.

"Okay, just continue." I said, wanting to know more about their time, without us.

"So I got out of the car with Tom and he didn't feel like going to the hotel right away." she continued.

"Wait, so when he asked you to stay with him, you had already decided?" I asked. She nodded and kept going.

"We ended finding ourselves with some McDonald's while walking around the ciry. I made him laugh a little too much; his laugh is so cute, but yet makes everybody stare at us." she said, smiling with the memory.

"Did anyone notice Tom?" Abbey asked.

"Yeah, some fans did end up hanging with him but it didn't bother me. At one point, the fans caught the attention of the paps, so Tom and I had some fun hiding. At one point, we were in a boutique and Tom wore a flowery hat with a purse." She said, getting her phone out to show us a picture.

I must admit, that was pretty damn funny.

"So, after finding our ways back to the hotel, I wanted to come home, but Tom begged me to stay since it was already getting dark and he didn't want me to leave."

At this point, Christine was smiling like an idiot. She chuckled a bit. I knew what was coming up.

"So, now, tell us Gnomie. How wild did it go?" I had a massive smirk on my face. She told me to shut up and threw a pillow at me.

"It did not go wild Ollie, but since you asked, let me rewind a bit. So as I ran up to the room and dropped my stuff on the floor, I ran for the bed and jumped on it. Tom managed to silently creep on me and scare me. So, as we were both on the bed starring into each other's eyes, Tom came closer and I mean closer. At one point he took my hand and as I loked at his hand to his eyes, he went for a kiss. It went slowly and then passionate." Christine stopped, she wasn't certain if she should continue.

"Well, what are you waiting for? I told you about my sexytime." I said encouraging her.

"Alright, so as we were passionately kissing, I managed to take his shirt off and then, he did the same to me. Then that moment happened, the moment where while you were feeling all the pleasure even possible to occu you suddenly realise that while giving the affection to each other, it isn't "friends with benefits". It was like the opening to the confirmation of our relationship." she said, trying to contain her tears.

 I could see it meant a lot to her, she always told me, she wanted her first time to be special and it sure was.

"Friends with benefits, I can't believe you actually said that." my sister said laughing.

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