Chapter 26 - Back To Normal

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It had been a week since Max had gone back to the UK. I must admit, it had been one of the toughest weeks of my life; not only because I was missing him, but I was also missing everyone and especially my sister. We had not talked in a while. With her job and mine, it was impossible to find time to talk to each other.

Even if, it was tough to be without Max, I had no choice, but to hang in there. Distance was not really an issue, because we both share the same feelings for each other and for now, nothing was stronger than those feelings.

Christine was back in Montreal for the week; something had come up in her family, so I was literally alone in LA. My days consisted of: waking up, getting ready for work, go to work, come back home, relax, try to find something to do, skype, take a shower, eat, relax and go to bed. How boring was my life these days, really.

On another hand, even if, we were apart from each other, Maria and I skyped every day, we knew we had a lot in common when we first met, but as time passed we discovered we had even more things in common. Our friendship was growing. She was keeping me up to date with her relationship with Joel and on what was going on in everybody's life.

Apparently, Nathan and Marcella were going through a rough path and things weren't looking too good. Maria was spending more and more time with Nath while Marcella and Nath were spending more and more time apart. This situation was a bit stressful for the other boys, because Nath, who's usually very focused on work, was having some problems doing his thing. I was praying for the best.

On the Jay and Jess camp everything was pretty good. Maria had not seen them a lot, because she was with Joel most of the time, but she had spoken to Jess and everything looked fine.

I was cleaning my room when I heard the 'skype ringtone'. I looked at the time - 6:30PM.

It can't be Max. It's way too late in the UK.

I ran to the computer. It was my sister. I felt excitement take over my body. I answered her video call:


"Ollie!! It's been so long! How are you sis?"

"Oh my god! It's been ages. I'm good, how are you? How are things back home? How's Seev?"

"Seev's good. We talk everyday on skype and he sends me flowers every two weeks, since he can't be here with me."

"Awww.. Abbey you found the perfect gentleman, didn't you?!"

"I really did. I feel so lucky to have him. He's the best I ever had. The best of the best..... I miss him so much, Ollie. It's insane. I'm thinking about flying over there soon, or wherever he will be. The distance is killing me."

"We should go together. The distance is killing me too. I just wanna.."

" in his arms. I know the feeling." she cut me. "How are things with you and Max?"

"They're good. Like you and Seev, we skype a lot. Anyway, it's the only thing we can do. How are things back home?"

Her face changed. From a massive smile it went to a not so smiley face.

"They're pretty crazy, if I can say so."

"What did mum and dad say when you told them about Jake, Seev, Max and everything else?" I asked.

"You know how mum and dad are... They weren't too happy. I think they simply don't understand and they don't want to understand either, especially not dad. He thinks being with somebody who sings for living and who travels the world is completely stupid."

"Why can't they just let us be with who we wanna be?! It's so annoying." I said irritated.

"Ollie, I need to tell you something. Mum and dad have decided to fly over, to LA. They want to see you and I think they'll try to talk you out of your relationship with Max. They tried with me, but it didn't work."

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