Chapter 31 - Down Under - Melbourne

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3hours later, we were finally in Melbourne. Fans were at the airport to welcome the boys; they were very excited to see them. I guess they had not been here in a while.

As the girls and I were walking to the cars some fans came up to us and asked if they could take pictures with us. It was sweet of them, but extremely weird.

"Ollie! Ollie! Can you give this to Max, please?" a little girl asked me.

She was so cute, her smile was beautiful.

"Of course I can sweetie." I answered taking the bag she was handing me. "But, why don't you give it to him, yourself?" I asked her.

"Because, I can't get to him. There's too many girls around him.." she looked so disappointed.

"Wait here with me." We were standing beside the car door. I grabbed my phone and called Max.

"Why are you calling me babe?" he was surprised.

"There's a little girl with me and she has a little something for you, could you get closer to the car?"

"I'm coming." he said and hung up.

I put the phone back in my back pocket and turned to the little girl.

"He's coming." I said.

"Is he really? Oh my God. Thank you so much." she said before hugging me tight.

"..It's my pleasure. Just wait here with me."

10minutes later Max was in front of us.

"Hello beautiful." he said to the little girl.

She was jumping up and down, smiling like there's no tomorrow. Max chatted with her a little and took two pictures with her.

"Can I have a pictures with you two?" she asked.

I smiled and nodded. She stood in the middle of me and Max and we took the picture.

"Thank you so much Ollie."

"You're welcome love."

"Your girlfriend is.. amazing." she turned to Max.

"She is." he said and smiled at me.

It was flattering to know, after every thing that had happened in the past, some fans were actually nice and wished Max and I only good things and also that I was in some ways appreciated.

We jumped in the car and we headed straight to the hotel. Once we got our room keys, Max and I head straight to the 3rd floor to drop our things, before hitting the pool with the rest of the boys and girls.

"What's the schedule for the next few days?" Abbey asked.

"Tomorrow, the boys have three radio interviews in the morning, sound check in the afternoon and a gig at night. Then on Saturday, they have two TV interviews. One in the morning and one at night, like the one they had before The Voice and on Sunday we're heading back to England." Kev answered.

"I thought we were shooting the new video here?!" Jay said.

"Changed of plans." Kev said.

 "Are we shooting the video in the UK, like we were supposed to, at the beginning?" Max asked.

Kev nodded and said

"Scooter's gonna call, later today, to give you the details about the video." 

The rest of the afternoon was so nice; being around the pool with beers and cocktails coming our way, the boys pushing each other in the pool and acting like idiots. We laughed so much. Around 5PM, I went back to my room to take a shower and get ready to go out for dinner with Max; leaving Abbey, Christine and Jess tanning around the pool.

Max and the boys had left the pool early to head to Nath's room, so they could have a little chat with Scooter, about everything that was coming up.

Once my shower taken, I checked the time and I had so much time in front of me. I took a pair of shorts and a tank top out of my suitcase and opened Max's computer, since I had left mine in LA. I opened Twitter and it went straight to Max's account.

I wonder what kind of tweets he gets...

I started scrolling through his mentions. I know it was none of my business, but I was just doing that out of curiousity. I must say, some tweets were pretty shocking. I mean, what were all those sexual favors coming from young teenage girls? I didn't think I would find tweets like those. Honestly, some were funny, while others were just not classy at all. I had to log off of his account and log onto mine to see some 'normality'.

@Ollie_90: Just creeped on Max's mentions... wow... some of you are probably too young to send some of those.. 'dirty' tweets. #FreakedMeOut x

It was honestly, extremely disturbing. After my tweet some fans started asking what kind of tweets I had seen.

@Ollie_90: Some of you are asking what kind of tweets I'm talking about. Let's just say I was not ready for those. xx

@Ollie_90: On another note, I miss my babes @MariaCortesR & @Marcella94. I'll see you soon ladies. xxxx

Then I logged off my Twitter account. I looked at the time and I still had a little time left, before I had to get ready. I checked my emails and there was one from Maria.


I hope everything's great down under and that you like what you see. I don't know if you're coming back to the UK with the boys after their Aussie trip, but if you are; I really hope we can meet for lunch with the girls, because there's something I need to tell you all.

I love you. xxx.'

That was an intriguing email.

'Hey babe,

Everything's great. Australia is beautiful. We left Sydney this morning and we're in Melbourne right now. This country is really beautiful, I'm really loving it. I am, indeed, going to the UK with the boys, when the down under trip is over. We'll be there on Monday, I think. As soon as we land in London, I'll ask Max to give me your number so I can call you and we can meet up with the girls for lunch. Can't wait to hear what you have to say.

Love you x'

I sent my mail and closed the computer. It was time to get ready for tonight anyway. I was putting the last touches to my hair and makeup when Max walked into the room and stood behind me in the bathroom. 

"What's with the grin?" I asked him.

"Christine and Tom are coming with us." 

"Are they, really?"

He nodded.

"You're not happy?" he asked confused.

"Honestly? I was looking forward for this dinner to be only the both of us.."

"That's why I planned something for us tomorrow."

"I'm listening...."

"Swimming with sharks and lunch right after."

I turned around and looked at him.

"I love you." and kissed him. "Now, go get ready handsome."

At the restaurant; it was a bit awkward. Christine was acting really cold towards Tom and he was just sitting beside her, trying to make things up, for something he had no power over, since he had no idea why Christine was still mad at him. When the boys stepped out for a few seconds, I confronted Christine.

"Tell me one thing. I know you didn't tell him why you were mad. I know you didn't tell him about your past, which I don't understand, because Tom is amazing and he would do anything to make it up to you, if you'd just give him a chance. There's one thing I don't understand, why won't you tell him? Why are you making your relationship a battleground? Christine, what's wrong? Why are you doing this to him?"

She stared at me for a few seconds, which seemed like minutes, even hours.

"...... because I don't love Tom anymore...."

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