Chapter 18 - The End Of The Road

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When I woke up, Christine and Abbey were running around the flat.

"What are you doing?" I asked coming out of my room, bloody tired.

"The boys invited us at a charity bowling event tonight." Abbey said. She sounded very excited.

"Okay.... but I still don't get what's going on, here..." I said.

"They're picking us up in 30minutes. They want to spend the day with us, since they won't have a lot of time for us, in the next few days."

"I better start getting ready then.." I said going to my room.

I was supposed to meet with Marcella for a coffee today, but I guess I'll have plenty of time to talk to her, since she's probably going to be there. Half an hour later, the SUV pulled up in the parking lot. Nobody was in, which was weird, I thought they would all be there. Abbey, Christine and I got in. Few minutes later, we were at the hotel. We walked to the lobby, nobody was there either.

"I'm gonna go to Max's room, maybe he's there." I said to the girls.

They nodded and I made my way to the elevator. I knocked on his door. He answered. Pretty sure he had just got out of the shower, because the only thing he was wearing was a towel.

"Hi..!" I said.

"Hey love. Come in." he said.

"How are you?" I asked him.

"A little hungover and you?"

"I'm good." I said.

"Ollie, I wanted to talk to you about something." he said sitting on the bed.

"What is it?" I asked, sitting beside him.

"Marcella told me, what happened Monday when you went for coffee. The girls outside... Why didn't you tell me?" he said.

I looked away and let out a sight. I looked back at him.

"I didn't say anything, because it's no big deal and also because you don't need this on your mind at the moment. The most important thing right now is your career. That's all that matters. Don't worry about me, I'm totally fine."

Of course I said that because I didn't want him to worry even more. He looked straight into my eyes and took my hand. I smiled at him and kissed him, to show him that everything was okay.. even if it wasn't really.

"Let's go! Let's see where everyone is." I said, getting up.

We found everyone by the pool. Christine and Abbey were there as well.

"The moment you got in the elevator, they all came out of the other one." Christine said.

I smiled and sat next to Marcella, Max on my right.

"Wanna drink something babe?" Max asked me, as he was asking a waiter to bring him a beer.

"A sex on the beach, please." I said to the waiter.

I looked at Max.

"What?" I asked Max. He had a little grin on his face.

"Nothing.." he said.

"..... you idiot, haha.... Later, maybe.. if you're nice." I said, winking.

Marcella laughed. Max got up and joined Jay and Tom in the water. Maria and Joel were sat at the pool, feet in the water talking with Jess and Christine. Abbey was lying on her long chair talking with Siva, whom was sat next to her. They looked like they were really getting along.

"Where's Nath?" I asked Marcella.

"I think he's skyping with his sister. She has a piano exam tomorrow." she said. "He'll join us later."

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