Chapter 10 - Here They Are

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"I have so many things to tell you." I said.

"Yes, you actually do!" she said showing me a page in a magazine.

"What is this?" I said bloody surprised, taking the magazine.

"It's you! You don't recognize yourself?" she said smirking.

"What in hell....?!"

There was a picture of Max and I coming out of the restaurant and under, it was written: "Max George, from The Wanted enjoyed dinner with a mysterious lady on Saturday night, before getting swamp by fans." That's exactly what I didn't want to happen. 

"So... what do you have to say in your defense?" Abbey said, sarcastically.

"I... I never thought I would end up in a magazine." I said, in total shock.

"Hahaha, well you should have seen it coming. You're hanging out with one of the biggest stars in the pop music world, of course you were going to end up in a magazine." she said.

"Hey, you might end up in one too!" I replied.


"We might go to the beach on Thursday with all of them. Max said he wanted to meet you." I said, quite proud of me.

We got to the car. I put her suitcase in the trunk and we both got in.

"He wants to meet me?" she asked, very surprised.

"Yes. That's what he told me when I was leaving the hotel, on Sunday." I replied.

"On Sunday? Leaving the hotel? Wait, I thought your date was on Saturday! You really have a lot of things to tell me, sis!" she said pointing at the picture in the magazine.

"I'll tell you when we're home." I said with a smile. "How are mum and dad?"

"They're good. They miss you, you know. They'd love to see you."

I let out a sight, "I know..... How's Jake?"

Jake's my sister's boyfriend. They had been together for a little bit over 2years now and lately she had not talked to me about him, as much as she used to, but if they'd had broken up, she would have told me.

"He's good, I guess."

"You guess? What's going on between you two? Are you still together?" I asked very confused.

"Yeah, we are. We just don't see each other as much as we used to. That's all." she said.

"Okay...." I said a little bit sceptical.. she was not really clear and for the first time in my life, I couldn't read through her like I could before. I would have to work on getting the whole story out, if there was one.

We got home. Abbey put all her stuff in my room. Since it was a two bedrooms apartment, Abbey was going to sleep with me, like we use to do when we were kids. We used to fall asleep in, either mine or her bed and in the morning we were both in our own bed, because my parents would separate us. Memories. She sat in the living room.

"Do you want something to drink? Something to eat?" I asked her.

"Nothing, thank you. Come sit here, you have something to tell me, remember?!" she said tapping, next to her, on the sofa.

"Okay..." I said walking to her and sitting beside her. "So I'm gonna start at the beginning...."

"...And you're going to tell me EVERYTHING." she said, winking at me.

Which I did, I told her everything. She was pulling so many different faces, from smiling like there's no tomorrow, to being completely shock, then back to smiling... it was pretty funny. She asked a lot of questions which some were kind of weird to answer while others were more let's say normal.

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