Chapter 21 - Abbey's Last Night

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"What's going on?" Abbey said, looking around the room. "What is all of this?"

"I didn't want you to go back home, without a proper goodbye party." I said.

"You're the best sister ever!" she said, hugging me.

"I have my moments." I said with a smirk.

She laughed. Then we walked over to everyone to say Hi. Max was standing in the middle of the room. When I saw him, I ran to him.

"Did I just run to you?"

"You did." he said proudly.

"I guess I really missed you." I said, putting my arms around his neck.

"I guess you did." he said, kissing me.

I walked up to everyone to say Hi. It was going to be a really good night. We ordered some drinks first, then we sat at the table and ordered food. Around 10PM, we left the restaurant and went to a club. We had a booth for all of us. Of course some older fans recognize the boys and they asked for some pictures. When I saw the fans, it reminded me of what had happened at the bowling event and I just prayed nothing bad was going to happen tonight.

"Have you spoken to Seev?" I asked my sister.

"I'm going to." she said, between to sip of her drink.

I smiled at her. I knew Seev liked her a lot, so I was sure they were going to come back being an "official" couple. She stood up and walked up to Siva. I saw her say something to him and he followed her on the dance floor. I was left alone, so I sat on the couch in the booth. Jay sat down next to me.

"Hey! Having fun?" I asked him.

"Always." he said lifting his beer up. "Ollie, I need to ask you something."

I was having a hard time hearing him.

"Do you wanna step outside? I can't hear you properly.." I said.

He nodded. We walked to the back door of the club and stepped outside. It was nice to breathe some fresh air.

"So, what did you say?" I asked Jay.

"I wanted to ask you something.. Well, more like talk to you about something. I could ask anybody, but I'd rather ask you, because we haven't known each other for so many years, like the others. I want like a fresh look on stuff." he said.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"Okay, so you know that Jess and I are really good friends. I think she told you that we've been friends since we were kids. She's one of the best people I have ever met in my life..."

"Are you falling for her?" I cut him.

He looked at the ground and then back at me. I knew then.

"I just don't want to lose the friendship that we share, because I might be feeling something a little deeper than where she stands... you know what I mean?!"

"I do. You want my opinion?"

"Well, that's why I wanted to talk to you about this situation."

"Okay, what I think you should do, is just tell her and see how it goes. You will never know if you never try. That's for sure. I think you should just jump, head first. You've been friends for so many years... maybe it's time for your relationship to be taken to the next level and if that doesn't work... well I think your friendship could probably survive it, with some scars, but I'm pretty sure it will survive... Just go for it. But wait for the right moment." I said to Jay.

I never  thought in a million years that he would come to me, to talk about something so private. He totally made me feel like I was "accepted" in the group.

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