Chapter 16 - It's Not Always Easy...

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"Wake up. Wake up beautiful." I heard a male voice whisper to my ear.

"No.." I said turning to my left.

"Come on." the same voice said.

I felt an arm wrapped my body. I put my hand on his and squeezed it. He dragged me closer to him and started kissing my neck several times.

"Now, you can be sure, I'm not getting up." I said, smiling.

He laughed and continued. I turned around to see his gorgeous face. He stop kissing my neck and gently put his lips on mine.

"Good morning." he said.

"Good morning." I said, putting my right hand behind his neck and bringing his face closer to mine, for another kiss. "I'll never get enough of this."

He smiled and kissed me again.

"Me neither." Max said.

I turned around and faced the balcony's door still wrapped in his arm.

"Slept well?" he asked.

"Honestly? Not really. I have no idea who's in the room beside yours, but they went completely wild at it. Isn't sex suppose to be like a 15minutes thing? It lasted like 2hours! They had fun, that's for sure and I'm almost sure they ended up doing on the wall.. I heard some really weird noises."

Max laughed.

"You didn't hear them?" I asked him, completely surprised as I was turning to look at him.

"No." he said smiling at me.

"You, lucky bastard." I said giggling.

He squeezed my body a little tighter and brought me closer to him. I buried my head in his neck, he wrapped his leg around mine and I slowly fell back asleep. I woke up when Max decided to get out of bed.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"In the shower and then breakfast." he answered.

"And you thought I would let you go alone? Why didn't you wake me up?"

"In the shower? I have no problem with you coming with me." he said.

I let out a sight and said:

"I was talking about breakfast."

"I know." he said, smirking, " I was going to wake you up, after my shower."

I nodded. He walked into the bathroom and I sat on the bed to check my phone, see if I had any miss calls or text messages. Nothing. Max came out of the shower few minutes later and I went in. When I got out, he was sitting on the bed checking his phone.

"What are you up to?" I asked.

"Tweeting some fans." he said.

I smiled and sat next to him. He handed me his phone. It was a tweet.

@MaxTheWanted: Sleeping Beauty is beside me.

There was a picture of me sleeping attach to it.

"When did you take that?"

"Few minutes before I got out of bed." he said.

"I hate you..." I said.

"No you don't." he said putting his hands on my waist and pulling me closer to him.

I couldn't look at him, his smile was too much for me. I looked away and smiled. I looked back at him, he was still smiling. I put my hand on his cheek and gently push on it, so he would stop looking at me.

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