chapter 24

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hello i havent updated in so long im sorry i love u enjoy

chapter 24

It'd been 3 weeks since Michael got out of the hospital. 3 weeks since Dev last saw him.

Michael was strange. He always acted hostile around her, he never smiled. But with Jonas, he was always smiling. Dev could faintly remember that one time Michael laughed at Jonas for making some corny joke. He had a really pretty smile. He had a pretty face. He was pretty. Why did he hate her so much?

Within these past few weeks, Luke was still doing everything in his power to avoid her. What was she doing wrong?

She was currently cooped up in her room, the door locked and some cheesy tv show was playing, but she wasn't paying attention. It was about 10p.m., and Luke and Jonas were probably asleep.

The only thing on her mind was how fast everything had gone wrong after everything had just gone right. One second she was happy, happy with Luke, happy with herself. The next second, she wasn't happy, Luke was avoiding her, and she didn't know what to do. All she did was blink.

"Goddammit." She cursed in frustration at her problematic life, before finally deciding to rip the covers off of herself and walking downstairs to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

Dev's stomach grumbled loudly as she went to open the fridge. She swung it open, and frowned when she found it empty. Just when she thought things couldn't get worse.

After what felt like hours when it was just half a minute of contemplation, she decided to just screw it and walked up to her room to get her wallet change into a pair of sweatpants and a black sweatshirt. Stuffing her wallet inside her pocket, she walked out the front door silently, not wanting to wake the two boys up.

She closed the door, and proceeded to walk down the empty sidewalk to the grocery store  a couple of blocks away. Both hands stuffed inside her pocket, her mind was too occupied with other things to be filled with the all the possibilities that could happen to her by walking in the streets alone late at night.

Dev finally reached the grocery store, pushing the glass door open. A bell rang, signalling that she had entered. She'd always hated that sound. It annoyed her.

She quickly walked over to the aisle where they sold the chips. She grabbed two huge packs of Nova chips and two packs of Cheetos, her lips pursed as she hummed an improvised tune.

She spun around, and a yelp threatened to escape from her lips, her chips almost falling to the ground.

"What the hell?" Dev snapped, her eyes fixated on him, "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?"

"Michael, why do you think people go to the grocery store? To take a piss? To swim in the pool?" Dev deadpanned, obviously in a cranky mood. It was late at night, she was tired and hungry, and she was in no mood to deal with Michael. Maybe other times, when she was in a better mood and was nice, but tonight was definitely not her night.

"You asked me the same question!" Michael shot back. Surprisingly, unlike all the other times she was with him, he was not in a cranky mood.

Dev glared at him, "Michael, you live on the other side of town. Why the hell would you come all the way to the grocery store here?"

Michael stayed silent, before his expression faltered in defeat, sighing, "Fine. I was about to go to your house, but I saw you walking alone in the dark so I followed you here, because you're my best friend's sister, and I'd feel somewhat guilty if I left you alone and something happened to you."

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