chapter 20

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ok i know i have a shitload of explaining to do and i will at the end of this chapter iM SORRY I LOVE YOU ENJOY

d e v o n n e
m a i s y

Dev woke up, but she didn't open her eyes. She didn't want to. She didn't want to wake up and have to face the world, but then again, who ever did?

She woke up at around 7a.m., but didn't get up until half an hour later. She never woke up this early, how unusual.

Dev walked into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and washed her face. She stared at her reflection, dark eyebags plastered just below her eyes, taunting her. She breathed out, shutting her eyes as she recalled what happened the night before.

Every night, Dev told herself that it was a dream. That everything wasn't real. Luke wasn't real. He didn't come out from a damn iPad, and he's not in love with her.

But no matter how many times she tried to convince herself, it wasn't a dream. Everything was real. Luke Hemmings was real, and he actually did came out from an apple device, and he's there. He's real.

Dev couldn't believe it, never in a million years would she ever think that this was possible.

Coming from a girl who's enjoyed reading every type of story there is, maybe she didn't believe in stuff like that, only because she was never apart of it? Like how the only reason she never believed in vampires or wizards was because she wasn't a part of that life?

But now she is. And there is nothing to do but believe it, because it's there. Because she is a part of it. She might even be the main part of it.

Walking out of the bathroom, she didn't bother to change out from her pajamas, since it was a saturday. She walked downstairs, and just as he'd expected, Luke was still sound asleep on the couch.

Another thing Dev liked about Luke was the way he snored. Creepy, and somewhat weird, but she did. She liked that his snores were short and sounded like he was out of breath, maybe from running through her mind all day.

Dev giggled uncontrollably at the corny thought, almost forgetting that he was sleeping, but quickly shut her mouth when Luke stirred.

"Good morning," And another thing Dev liked about Luke was his morning voice. It was deep and husky, yet effortlessly sweet and melodic. It was inhumane. He was inhumane.

"Morning," Dev replied, refusing to meet his eyes as she walked inside the kitchen, "So, uh, do you want breakfast?"

"Woah, woah, woah, Maisy," Luke almosy laughed as he stood up, "What are you doing?"

Dev stared at him, confused, "Uh, I'm going to cook breakfast... Because I'm nice....?"

He laughed, and the insides of her stomach churned at the sound. She hadn't heard it in such a long time, she almost forgot how it sounded. Okay, that was a total lie. It was all she could think about while he was gone, but he didn't need to know that.

"We both know you can't cook for shit, Dev," Luke bluntly stated, smirking and walking towards the kitchen. Dev blushed a deep red, her lips pouted as she followed behind him.

"How'd you know that?"


"Ah," Dev nodded, as if that explained everything, which it did.

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