chapter 4

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d e v o n n e
m a i s y

As soon as Devonne stepped out her house, the first thing she noticed was how dark the sky was getting. It was about eight a.m. in the morning, and she and Luke were on their way to school. It wasn't raining(yet anyways), but it was obvious that it was going to soon.

They had only just stepped inside the campus when the rain started to pour. Before Dev could even think about getting her phone out to make Luke follow her wherever she went like she'd planned, he'd already taken her small hands tightly with his.

Screw the butterflies, it felt like someone just released thousands of giant wasps in her stomach. She blushed. Smiling a small smile, she hid behind her hair, using it as a curtain as they held hands.

No matter how many times Dev kept reminding herself that he knew what to do, she kept forgetting that Luke was used to doing this everyday, and that he already knew what to do.

They held hands as they walked down the semi-crowded hallway. For Dev, even though she'd never admit it, it felt good to be the girl who had the guy everyone wanted. To hold the hand of the guy of every girls' dreams. To spend every minute with the guy every girl wanted to waste their lives with.

It was third period when Dev and Luke had to part ways. She had history and he had Math. Last week was when she realized Luke actually remembered his schedule. He was really starting to become a normal high schooler slash teenage guy slash human. And, she'd probably mentioned this more than a thousand times before, it was really starting to weird her out.

The best part, though, was that Dev didn't really have go use the app that much anymore. She could teach him the simple things now instead of the using the app, given that Luke already knew enough to be human.

"Hey," A girl walked up to Dev during free period(a period she unfortunately didn't have with Luke), smiling warmly, "You're Devonne, right?"

Dev mentally sighed, as if she was absolutely tired of this shit, which she was. She shut the book she was reading, and uneagerly smiled up at the girl.

"Uh, yeah," She replied, tucking a strand of hair behind her. The girl infront of Dev was gorgeous(just like every other girl in school), her hair was black and wavy, reaching past her shoulders.

"I'm Dani," The girl grinned, taking a seat beside her, "Sorry. You probably think I'm obsessed with that australian guy you're dating, but I'm actually really not. I just heard you were listening to Blink 182's Disaster and I just wanted to thank you for proving me right that there are actually people in this school with good music taste."

Dev was sort of surprised. She stared at Dani for a second, before she grinned back at her, "You proved me right too. It's nice to actually meet a girl my age who's music taste doesn't want to make me jump off a cliff. Hey, wait, how'd you know I was listening to - "

"Your music is actually really loud," Dani chuckled. Before they knew it, they were talking to each other like they'd known each other for years. It was great knowing there was a girl in the school who wanted to be friends with her not because she was dating a hot australian transfer student, but because she had a good taste in music.

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