chapter 16

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the video on the side is called walk away and it reminds me sO MUCH OF DUKE KATHLEEN NGUYEN IS AMAZING BYE

d e v o n n e
m a i s y

Dev sighed as she walked through the hallways of the school with Dani. Prom was literally the next day, and she still didn't have a date, despite the fact that she'd already went shopping for dresses(even though she didn't even buy anything).

"Hey, can we meet up at the school gate after last period?" Dani requested as the both of them sat down in English, one of the three subjects they had together, "I have to give you something."

"Sure," Dev shrugged carelessly, "Whatever." She didn't mean to sound rude, she just felt so frustrated and annoyed at everything. She wasn't even happy anymore, she was either so upset, or she felt like punching everyone who even glanced at her. There was no inbetween.

"Okay, class," Sir Owen declared, entering the classroom in his usual plaid shirt and brown slacks, "Please turn your books into page 394,"


Last period had just ended, and Dev had so many things on her mind. It had been so hectic, and all she wished Luke to be by her side again. She wised her parents to were there for her. She wished Michael didn't get into an accident, so Jonas could be there for her. There was a part of her that wished the app never existed, and a part of her that was so thankful that it did.

Apparently, she was thinking way too much, because she'd accidentally clashed into a chest. Dev's face crashed into the person's chest, before fell backwards, her glasses falling to the ground and the books she was carrying clashing to the floor.

She groaned, looked for her glasses and put them back on, ready to stand up and snap at whoever she had bumped into. She was actually having a bad day, - more like a bad life - and she didn't need anyone to add up more shit.

But as she locked eyes with the person who'd clashed into her, she found herself utterly speechless.

"Um- Uh," Dev stumbled through her words, gulping as she scurried to gather her book that were scattered on the ground, "Sorry."

Luke stared at her; expressionless. She felt like crawling into a hole and live there for the rest of her life, because he used to look at her like.. Like she was something special. Like she was the most beautiful girl in the world. Going from that to how he was looking to her right now - it hurt a lot, because even after everything they'd been through, he was looking at her as if she didn't matter.

Dev exhaled heavily, her eyes refusing to leave his. He was looking at her like he hated her with all his life; it was heartbreaking. After a few moments, she swore for a split second that Luke's eyes softened in recognition, before they returned to their icy blank stare.

Hope soared through Dev's heart, adrenaline pumping through her veins. Maybe it wasn't the end? Maybe if she'd help him realize that he was with the wrong person, maybe he'd remember?

"Watch where you're going." He snapped, his eyes glaring menacingly into hers. And just like that, whatever hope she'd managed to place in her heart was crushed - all shredded into tiny pieces.

"Luke," She didn't know what she was going to say, but she had to say something. She couldn't just watch the person she liked, like someone else and not do anything about it.

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