the boyfriend app

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BEFORE I START I WOULD LIKE TO CLARIFY THAT THE PLOT WAS INSPIRED BY A FILIPINO SHOW ON TV CALLED MY APP BOYFIE(i only watched the first episode because im not that very good in tagalog/filipino so every other chapter will be completely different from the show so please dont expect it to be the same! it was just inspired by the show!)

dedicated to dani cus she's stupid nd i love her yo


edited: before u start reading i would just like to inform u that this is not one of my best works and i am fully aware of how badly written and organized this is but ive developed and improved since i first published this and i would just like to apologize before u start reading okdisjfk

d e v o n n e
m a i s y

Everyone in this world has their secret place. You know, their place. A place they go to when they need to escape. A place they feel most comfortable in. It could be an abandoned park, or a bedroom. It's somewhere you go to when the entire world has turned their backs on you.

For Devonne Maisy, it was the library. She was an obsessed, opinionated reader trapped inside the body of an undeniably curvy 5'4 figure that she hid in shirts that were a thousand sizes too big, hazel green eyes that were masked with thick, black glasses, and long brown, wavy hair.

Dev spent a lot of time in the library. She was probably known for the amount of time she dedicated to reading. She didn't have time for many things, really. No time for playing, texting, social interaction, and she certainly had no time for boyfriends. The only thing she had time for was studying and reading.

"Dev, the library's closing up," Miss Joan, the school librarian, informed the teenage girl, who was sat at a sofa in the corner of the empty library, "You better go home before it gets dark,"

"Okay," Dev replied, shutting her book, standing up and grabbing her bag, "I'll just borrow this and finish it up at home. Bye, Miss Joan,"

She left the school library immediately, eager to finish her interesting novel. Looking at her watch, she saw that it had just turned Fastening her pace, she reached her home faster than usual.

When Dev walked in, she saw the same scenerio everyday after school. Jonas, her brother, was on his iPad again. He was addicted to the thing, it was absolutely crazy. He spent almost five hours a day with that thing.

Despite his modern-technology addiction, Dev love him to death. He was probably the only family member she had that still cared about her.

"Hey little man," Dev greeted, throwing her bag carelessly to the side, and taking a seat on the sofa opposite where Jonas was sitting.

Jonas took his eyes off his iPad for only a split second, "Hey."

Dev opened her book, starting to read where she left off at the library. The room was silent as she read page after page. She'd only read about four pages when Jonas spoke.

"Hey, have you heard of The Boyfriend App?" He suddenly asked, interrupting her.

Her eyebrow quirked up, "The Boyfriend App? I'm sorry, but that sounds like the stupidest thing ever. I bet it's as stupid as its name,"

"Yeah, well, we're about to find out," Jonas simply replied, tapping on his device. Dev rolled her eyes, slightly irritated that she'd been interrupted. She absolutely hated when she was interrupted while reading.

She re-focused her attention back to her book, continuing where she stopped. She was just about to get to the good part, when she was interrupted again.


Suddenly, white. Everything went white. Dev screamed, her grip on her book loosening completely as it fell to the floor with a thud. She could see nothing but plain white for a few moments. She heard Jonas scream as well, but she couldn't see him. Her living room had disappeared. Did she faint? Is she dead?

About a minute later, everything returned back to its original place. Dev was back in the living room, her book was on the floor, Jonas looked like he was about to faint, and his iPad was on the floor. She took her glasses off and blinked a couple of times to make sure she didn't go blind.

And then, she saw it. Well, they saw it, because they both screamed in unison, as if it was rehearsed. It was standing just beside the couch Jonas was sitting on.



this is so unrealistic but before you hate on me for this tHIS IS A FAN F I C T I ON. FICTION MEANS ITS NOT REAL AND ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN sO PLS

and please give this story a chance idk im

ok i love u



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