chapter 15

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d e v o n n e
m a i s y

For the past week, Dev had been doing nothing but mope around. All she ever did in school was walk fast, keep her head down and her eyes to the ground. Of course, she visited Michael and Jonas from time to time.

She didn't see Luke and Reneé that much, but when she did, Reneé always made the most of it. She'd tighten their hands, and make him kiss her cheek, and make him hold her in his arms, and kiss him. It was sickening.

The lunch bell rang, and the students immediately exited the classrooms, coming out in a flood, shoving and pushing each other as they made their way towards the cafeteria.

Dev walked in the cafeteria and immediately spotted Luke and Reneé sitting on a table in the middle of the canteen with a bunch of cheerleaders and jocks. She was sat on his lap, making out. They were fucking making out. His lips were moving in sync with hers, her arms around his neck and his fingers cupping her chin.

Dev quickly averted her eyes, sneering to herself in disgust, not being able to handle the sight. She couldn't help but be reminded of how they kissed, and how they were all over each other. She was a mess, and there was no denying it.

Finally spotting Dani, she hastily walked towards the table she was sitting on. Dev sighed, throwing her bag to the ground and groaning as she covered her face with her hands.

"Hey," Dani said, before taking a bite of her burger, "How're you doing?"

"Mmmmmf," Dev huffed, her voice muffled through her hands. There were no other words to describe what she was feeling, other than the word shit. She felt like absolute shit, because Reneé was giving her a hard time, and so was Kate, and so was Luke, and she felt like going home and laying on her bed, eating her feelings for the rest of her life.

Dani nodded, smiling as she rolled her eyes and spoke in a sarcastic tone, "Yes. Yeah, I totally understood that, Dev. Nice one!"

Dev lifted her head up, fighting the smile that was forcing its way to her mouth, "Shut up."

Her favorite thing about her best friend was no matter how down she felt, Dani would always find a way to cheer her up. Well, a bit anyway.

"Are they still....?" Dev's voice trailed off, looking at Dani as she habitually chewed her bottom lip.

"Uh..." Dani paused for a minute, looking over at the couple in the middle of the room, "Yeah.."

"Great," Dev groaned, returning her head back into her hands, wallowing in her self pity. It was quiet as Dani watched her frustrated best friend in pity.

"Okay, that's it," Dani finally announced, making Dev look up. She placed her burger on her plate, "We're going shopping for Prom after school. It's in, like, a week."

Damn it, she completely forgot about Prom. But how could she not, after so many things were happening all at the same time?

Dev pouted, obviously finding the idea uninteresting, "But I don't want to go to Prom."

"Yeah, you do," Dani stated, crossing her arms over her chest, "You can't keep moping around like this. It's been a week and 3 days since what happened. You have to do something. Show that skank that you're not affected. Show her you don't care about whatever she does to you. Show her that you'll get up even if she pushes you off."

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