chapter 1

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d e v o n n e
m a i s y

Slowly, Dev placed her book down on the table and cautiously walk towards her younger brother and the teenage boy, who looked about her age, beside him.

She was scared out of her wits, but she had to gulp down her fear, for that was what she could afford to do at the moment.

"Did he just fucking - " Jonas stopped mid-sentence, eyes widened as he stared at their new company standing emotionless at the corner of the room.

Meanwhile, Dev was too busy admiring how perfect this boy was. His hair was quiffed to perfection, and his eyes made the atlantic ocean look grey. He had tall legs, and was probably 6 feet tall, maybe even more. He even had a lip ring on his bottom lip, making him so much more hotter. He had on a red flannel, and if she wasn't so terrified right now, she'd probably jump on him like a chimpanzee.

Okay, that's a lie. She'd probably be too shy to even stand two feet from someone as attractive as him, but you get the point.

"Did that just really fucking happen," She pointed to boy who'd been wearing a blank expression the entire time, disbelief written all over her face and her tone, "Did he just fucking come out from your iPad?"

She poked it once, cowering back slightly after, anticipating his next move. However, she received nothing but an expressionless face. Her eyebrow quirked up in suspicion.

Usually, in those horror movies she loved to watch, the killer would stand still for a few moments, not showing any sign of intentional harming, and when you've finally decided that you're in no danger, they come out and stab you mercilessly.

But when after a few minutes had passed and it still hadn't done anything, Devonne started to mentally ask herself if this thing actually was harmful.

Then suddenly, it hit brown-haired girl all at once. "What the fuck is going on? Did that really just happen? Did he just flash from your fucking iPad?"

"His name is Luke," Jonas was panting heavily, shaking as he grabbed his iPad from the floor and started tapping away, "Holy shit, Dev. I think I can make it do stuff,"

"Hello beautiful." Luke said, smirking at Dev. He had an adorable Australian accent, and she's certain she just fell in love with him on the spot. She also swore just orgasmed there and then.

"Oh, my god! Look, Dev! I can make it do stuff!" My brother laughed, his entire mood taking a complete 360 degree turn, before pressing on his iPad again. This time, Luke leaned towards Dev and grabbed her hand, kissing it. Holy shit, she thought.

However, she flinched away, still slightly scared. This all seemed too awfully strange, and if someone told her she was having a nightmare, she definitely wouldn't doubt it.

"Jonas! Quit playing around. Put him back in your iPad or something! This is scaring me. How did he come out from the iPad? Are you lying? Of course you are. I mean, who the heck comes out of an iPad? But I saw it with my own eyes! Holy shit, I'm going crazy," The brunette rambled on, tugging at the roots of her soft, brown hair in frustration while eyeing Luke as he continued to grin sweetly at her. She bit her bottom lip to prevent herself from grinning too. She couldn't help it, his gorgeous smile was too infectious.

"The Boyfriend App! Look! Here, he can make faces too!" Jonas laughed, clapping his hands in appreciation.

Dev looked over to his iPad, and Jonas pressed a crying emoticon. Luke's face transformed from an adorable expression where he was smiling widely, to his mouth curved downwards at the edges as his eyes displayed sadness. His face resembled that of a puppy and she struggled to suppress an "aww".

the boyfriend app [l.h au] // discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now