chapter 8

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im sorry i havent updated in a long time and hOLY SHIT THIS STORY HAS BEE GETTING A LOT OF VIEWS AND VOTES THANK YOU SO MUCH

also im going to try this thing where i dedicate chapters to readers but i keep forgetting nd i dont know how to dedicate someone from iphone tf im sorry suck my ass love you

d e v o n n e
m a i s y

Devonne woke up refreshed and ready to start a new day. She felt, for some reason, determined to get through her day safe and quiet. She smiled as she awoke, despite the anonymous hate letter she received the previous day.

She got up, threw on a pair of shorts and an FM Static tanktop after taking a shower, and went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning!" Dev chirped when she saw Luke and Jonas in the living room eating breakfast. None of the two boys replied, they just simply stared at her suspiciously.

Luke knew Dev long enough to know that she was never this happy in the morning. Never. If she had a things I hate most list, no doubt that mornings would be on the very top.

Even if you brought Derek Sanders - the lead singer of one of Dev's most favorite bands, Mayday Parade - with you when you woke her up, she'd threaten to burn you along with your entire house.

"Okay... Dev, are you feeling alright?" Jonas trailed off, jokingly of course, scrunching his eyebrows together as he stared at her.

"Shut up, Jonas," Dev scoffed as a reply, nudging him slightly. She couldn't understand why girls admired him so much. He was nothing but a big sarcastic dork disguised in pretty blue eyes and shaggy brown hair.

She placed the back of her hand dramatically on her forehead, exclaiming, "Can't I be happy without an explanation anymore?"

Jonas chuckled, taking a big bite of his sandwich, "Not if you're Devonne Maisy and it's like 7a.m.,"

"Damn you," Dev huffed, pouting slightly as she sat across from her brother and beside Luke. She grabbed a hotdog, before smiling up at Luke, who smiled back.

"You look beautiful, Devonne. Good morning," He finally spoke for the first time that day, making Dev blush greatly. She, out of habit, used her long brown hair as a curtain to hide her red cheeks.

Luke chuckled charmingly before taking all her hair that shielded her face from the world and tucked it behind her ear, "Stop doing that. You're cute when you're blushing."

"Bleh," Dev heard Jonas gag exaggeratingly, making her roll her eyes at his childish behaviour.

"Okay, well, I'm just going to go to school first." Jonas awkwardly notified the two teenagers, who weren't really paying attention to anything other than each other, grabbing his school bag and walking out of the house.


"Bye cockface and cockface's boyfriend," Dani greeted Dev casually as the trio walked through the crowded hallways of their school. Lunch had just ended and everyone was rushing to get back to their classes.

Unfortunately, Dev had a free period after lunch, while Luke had english and Dani had biology. They parted ways, and the brown-haired girl walked towards the bathroom.

Dev turned the sink on, leaning forward and splashing her sweaty face with the cold water. As she stood up straight, she almost screamed when she saw Reneé and Kate walk out of the cubicles.

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