chapter 14

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the last chapter was so bad im sorry i left you guys with that i love you ps jonas is 17!!!! ;D

d e v o n n e
m a i s y

"It's been 3 days, Dani," Dev bit her lip as she spoke into her housephone(since her phone got stolen), sitting down on her bed, "I can't get over it. I can't get over seeing them together."

Dani felt so bad for her best friend, "I'm so sorry, Dev,"

"It's just - " Dev inhaled heavily, laying down on her bed, "I like him. I like Luke so so much it hurts. I can't get over seeing them hold hands, and kiss each other. I can't, Dani. I can't - "

"Honey, I'm so, so sorry," Dani apologized for something she didn't do. It was all she could do for the meantime.

Dev stared up at her ceiling, switching the phone from her right ear to her left, choking out her next words, "That used to be me, Dani. I used to be the one holding his hand, and kissing him."

"He doesn't even come home anymore," Dev added, her heart breaking.

"What?" Dani sounded surprised, "Where does he go then?"

"I don't - " Dev stuttered, sitting back up, "I don't know. I don't even want to know. Probably at Reneé's hugeass mansion or something."

It was ten minutes past eight in the evening, and Dev couldn't take it anymore. She had to tell someone something. It'd been three days since that day and she couldn't stop thinking about it. It was stuck in her mind like a leech, and it was swallowing her whole.

"You've been going to that ice cream store, haven't you? Hanging out with that guy? Jaden?" Dani inquired, trying her best to help Dev take her mind off of things, "And how about your little brother? Still addicted to his iPad? Didn't you tell me yesterday that he slept at the hospital now? I remember you saying your house's getting lonely since he started sleeping in the hospital. You didn't tell me why though. Is he staying in a friends' room or did something happen to him?"

"Woah, slow down," Dev chuckled, "And yeah, Jonas is fine. Hasn't been on his iPad - "

His iPad.


"Dani!" Dev almost screamed at the top if her lungs in realization, "You're a freaking genius!"

"Uh," Dani was thoroughly confused, but she went along with it since her best friend didn't sound so upset anymore, "Thanks?"

Dev jumped up quickly, excitement and adrenaline coursing through her veins, "I have to go. But I'll call you back! I'll call you back. Bye Dani, love you!"

She didn't give her best friend a chance to reply as she hung up, simply changing her pajamas into jeans and putting on a random black hoodie. Dev ran out of the empty house, locking at and practically speeding towards the bus stop.


Dev knocked quietly at the door first before she entered. It was around 9p.m., and usually Jonas went to bed really late at night, so she wasn't surprised when she saw him watching television while Michael was sound asleep.

The two boys looked at her as she entered, "Hey,"

onas looked confused but still smiled anyway, standing up. Dev embraced her brother tightly.

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