chapter 10

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am i a sofa

because i am sofaking EMO !

cover credits to dani aka paleirwin(((THE CHARACTER DANI IS BASED ON HER LOL))) for making the cover im currently using !! :D love u as heck !

d e v o n n e
m a i s y

"Dev!" Jonas called out from outside her bedroom door as Dev stepped out of the shower, dripping wet and wrapped in only a white towel with nothing underneath.

She quickly dried herself and put on a black baggy tee and a pair of shorts, calling back out to her brother, "Hold on, I'll be out in a minute!"

"Hurry! It's urgent! Please!" He says, banging the door furiously. Dev rolled her eyes, fixed her glasses and hair and proceeded to open the door.

"What? What could you possibly want at 9a.m. in the morning?" She snapped tiredly, cranky and absolutely annoyed that Jonas had to disturb her.

Jonas looked like a huge mess - there were dark circles under his puffy red eyes, his hair was ruffled messily(and not in the sexy bad boy way), and his bright blue eyes didn't seem to have their usual playful twinkle like it always did. It was evident he was crying; the sight broke her heart to pieces.

Dev grew worried the moment she saw her brother, hastily rushing towards him to hug him and regretting being such a bitch, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"My best friend, Michael, he-he got into a car accident, and I-I can't - I have to - " Jonas hiccuped, staring at her through watery and glossy eyes, "I have to go - I-I, I have to, b-but I have work, and I-I'll get f-fired if I d-don't go, and - "

Dev cut him off, wiping his tears off and hugging him tightly. This was a rare sight - Jonas never cried. Even when he fell and broke his leg, and had to wear a cast for three months. Even when he accidentally got pricked in the finger with a rose thorn when he was in 3rd grade. Even when their parents stopped caring. He never cried, nothing was ever worth his tears.

Except his best friend, Michael. Dev'd met - more like seen because he never spoke nor did he ever introduce himself to her - Michael a lot of times before, they were the same age. It was sort of weird for Jonas to have a best friend who's older than him. He was a handsome fellow, always dyed his hair strange colors but always made it work. He's got the prettiest pair of blue-green eyes, and pouty red lips. But he was so quiet and so closed off, the only time she heard him talk was when he was with Jonas. And only when he was with Jonas.

Dev knew how much Michael meant to Jonas. Believe it or not, Jonas didn't look as good now than he did before. Before eighth grade - when puberty actually hit him - he was constantly bullied. Dev couldn't do anything, Jonas always shut her out. Everyone in school taunted and teased him, unnecessarily reminding him of his unfortunate puberty-virgin appearance. Until he met Michael Clifford, the only boy who ever stood up for him. They became best friends ever since.

"Okay, okay, hush," Dev comforted her little brother, "I'll work for you, okay? Okay? Don't worry about it, I'll take care if it. Do you want me to drive you to the hospital?"

Jonas nodded through his sobs, and Dev downstairs and grabbed her car keys, her weeping brother following behind. Luke was already sat on the sofa, watching T.V. and already dressed in a black band shirt and black ripped jeans.

"Luke, let's go," She simply said, and Luke nodded, turning the television off as the three of them left the house, not forgetting to lock it, of course.

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