Irin: omg how did it go?
Becky: I kinda like this girl you know
Irin; you have replied 8 hours later Becky Armstrong?
Orm: And you know what, a lot of people ask for her number and don't get it, but she took you home, that's speaking levels. Armstrong you still got it baby
Becky: she offered, I didn't so we went back to hers and you know what happened. I woke up and she was sleeping so I went to wash my face, by the time I woke up she was awake and she was like she needs to go shopping and I wanted to go with her, so I said yeah I need to go home and freshen up and we went to mine and boom spent the day together.
Irin; what's her name
Becky: oh my god I forgot to ask her what her name was
Orm: you are so dumb sometimes seriously? You didn't even drink last night
Becky: I know man I just didn't ask
Orm: well it's jane, I know this because of her name badge at work. Thank me later idiot
Becky: LOL right yeah well, thanks guys I'm gonna try and get to know this girl and hopefully it goes well.
4 months later
I felt like a better person, like I felt happier with jane in my life, she had become my best friend and she practically lived with me most days.
I could finally say I was getting my shit together again. I could see a future with her and she got along with my friends really well too.
I owe it all to Irin and Orm who actually helped me move on from the depressed state I was in. It was hard to trust jane but she constantly came around my house and went out of her way to make me feel good again.
Today I decided to do a surprise birthday party for Orm, in her own house because she won't expect it since she's at work I was able to leave early and have jane, Irin and the boys help me with decoration.
"I'm wearing heels it's quite hard to carry this cake" irin yells at Heng
"All you had to do was tell me gosh you are always shouting" Heng yells back before taking the cake out of her hand
"You trust this fool with holding the cake?" Billy laughs
"You trust this fool with the cake" Heng mimics back
"I'm not always shouting by the way I just want this to be perfect for Orm" irin hits back at heng.
"So do I, you don't have to yell at me I would of held the cake if you asked" Heng rolls his eyes
"Guys can you shut up, stop fighting and put the cake where it belongs so we can be ready to surprise her" I yell at them all which makes them immediately listen.
I checked Orm's location and found out she's 2 minutes away from home.
Great, this is perfect.
The door opens and we all get ready to wish her but then we heard something, a familiar voice
"Happy birthday baby" the woman says as she kisses Orm.
"God you don't know how much I've missed you being here" Orm sighs, she sounds hurt and that doesn't usually sound like her
"SURPRISE" we all yell and the lights go on and I see lingling I don't know why I felt bitter towards her, maybe because she left the country with Freen but she looks in shock.
Her and Orm were together still? Orm kept that from me?
I knew they were dating in high school but I had thought they'd broken up considering lingling wanted to move and Orm wasn't happy about it at all, they fought so much. They must of made up online.
But Orm didn't tell me? she kept it from me?
"Oh my god p'lingling you are back? i didn't even know" irin yells and the group run to hug her
Why does my heart hurt knowing Freen could potentially be back. I have so much anger towards her, I feel like if I could I would strangle her if she ever came in front of me.
"Yeah I just came to visit Orm" she awkwardly says"Yeah I cannot believe you guys did this" Orm hugs us all in happiness but I don't know if she feels awkward about it as well
When she comes to hug me she whispers to me "I can explain" and then everyone starts partying and lingling comes up to me.
"Long time Becky" she smiles as she taps my shoulder, I don't know what I have against lingling but jane is here.
"Yeah long time" I smile as jane holds my hand and looks at me
"I'm Becky's girlfriend jane" she holds her hand out
"Becky's old high school friend lingling", she responds as they exchange handshakes.
Lingling looks at me and gulps like she's hurt with the fact that I have a girlfriend but she smiles after, a really big fake one and I wonder why she thinks it's okay to look at me like I did something wrong, I would love to deck her throat for making me feel as if I did something wrong.
Freen left me?
I grab jane tight as I walk off with her to the dessert table.
"Why is their tension did you date her?" Jane whispers
"No you think Orm would date someone I had dated?" I chuckle, even though right now I feel a bit betrayed I didn't know her and lingling were in contact even though Orm liked her picture on Instagram I should of taken the hint, god I'm so clueless.
"You know once Irin and Orm were discussing lingling and when I walked in they went quiet" Jane whispers to me which made me even more upset. Irin knew as well.
I try to get through the night without feeling completely betrayed by my friends. I knew lingling would go back and tell Freen I have a girlfriend now and for some reason that angered me.

FanfictionBecky has been left in the dark as to why her wife divorced her and left the country with lingling. Orm chases her love but Becky has too many hurdles to deal with. g! p (Becky and Orm) mature contents 📌 little bit of swearing