"This is so bad I'm cheating on my diet" my wife takes a bite of her nugget as she begins laughing, I watch her in amusement, as I take a bite from her hand
"I already told you, you don't need to diet, your beautiful regardless" I kiss her hard
"Babe I have chicken nugget breath" she begins giggling but I tackle her on the sofa and pepper her with kisses whilst she laughs uncontrollably "you think I care about the nugget breath" i laugh
I snap out of my flash back as I watch Freen literally struggle to eat, I clench my jaw as I sigh at her with her half bitten nugget in her hand
"Do you remember the night before our wedding, you made me order you nuggets to your parents house, because you were so nervous" I smile and she nods as she looks down
"I remember you ordered a dozen and I didn't know what to do with that many nuggets so I distributed them to the neighbours" she lightly chuckled
"You called me that night and was like 'BABE why are you so extra, I asked for a regular portion'" i mimicked her which made her laugh, something I was so proud of myself for doing
"I still remember when we exchanged our vows you called me your 'chicken nugget queen' and all of our friends were laughing" Freen says with a sad smile
"I know even your dad found that funny and he's not easy to make laugh" I laugh remembering that time, the times when we were so happy, and then life came and literally shat on us.
"Does he know?" I look over at Freen
"I told him I wasn't feeling well but not exactly, he thinks I'm just travelling with lingling"
"So this whole time you and lingling have been dealing with this"
"Lingling wasn't even supposed to know, my plan was to fly out and deal with it alone, but she followed me and eventually I couldn't hide it from her"
"Why did you think you have to deal with this alone?" I say to her as I look at her directly in the eyes
"I was told I don't have long left to live, I thought if I just left then you'd all be annoyed at me, my death wouldn't even hurt you guys, I hate seeing you, forget anyone else I hate seeing you upset, it breaks my heart and I hurt us both in the process but this was my way of coping with this becky"
"The day you told me you wanted a divorce I wasn't even upset, I was broken, I didn't think I'd ever come back from that, I attempted to but every little thing I did reminded me of you, when I was with jane I kept comparing you both, she said
I wasn't affectionate but when I was married with you all I did was cling to you, all I did was think about you every single day" I say to Freen which makes her look down as if she feels so guilty"I'm sorry for what I put you through, I just was so scared to tell you, all we did was love eachother so strongly I knew it would break you knowing I'm no longer here, I just wanted you to get a new life" she fiddles with her fingers
"I understand where you are coming from but I don't agree with it, I was your wife, you should of let me be by your side, whenever I'm upset whenever I feel shitty who did I always used to run to? To cry to?"
"Me" she whispers
"And what did you do? The total opposite, I understand it was to protect me, to get me used to having a new life but this whole thing was stupid because if you think you are ever leaving this world, you are so dumb Freen, I won't let you go"
I say as I try to hold back tears, this conversation is calmer than before but I say this with authority
The drive home was quiet but I played the songs that I know Freen used to love when we were married, she sat in the front this time and I watch as she slowly dozed off, during the traffic I reclined her seat and took my jacket off so she can sleep a bit comfortably, I drive slowly so that she doesn't jump out of her sleep.
Once we get to her house, I get out of my car and she's still asleep so I gently tap her shoulder and she instantly wakes up
"Come on let's get inside"
I notice Orm and ling rush out of their house and run to open Freen's house door
I open her bed covers and lingling comes in and opens Freen's cupboard which are full of medication
"She needs to take these two and then 3 of these" Lingling said, damn Freen could open her own drugstore at this point
I lay Freen down in bed as Orm gets water for her and I sit beside a sleepy Freen.
"I'm going to sleep with her" Lingling says as she gets in the bed, her and Freen just argued and they haven't spoke to eachother yet but I find that so cute.
Oh thank god I felt so worried Freen would be alone all night, now that I know I feel less worried and lingling probably has more knowledge on how to care for Freen I felt relieved.
"I'll sleep with Orm" I smile
"We didn't agree on that but sure
Orm looks over at me with a smile
"Shut up" i chuckle, all my anger with Orm with literally EVERYONE just went knowing Freen must of made her promise to shut up.
Lingling begins laughing at us and I watch Freen smile so beautifully whilst she's trying to fall back asleep.
"I'll see you both tomorrow" I say as Orm and I leave.

FanfictionBecky has been left in the dark as to why her wife divorced her and left the country with lingling. Orm chases her love but Becky has too many hurdles to deal with. g! p (Becky and Orm) mature contents 📌 little bit of swearing