why the heck am I so nervous? i should be fine right? i mean Freen will say yes right? am I going too fast?
I stay until it was time for people to leave and allow Freen to get some rest advised by the doctors, damn I missed my chance.
"I'll stay with her" I say to the doctor
"This ward doesn't allow overnight guest unfortunately"
"Nop is our friend he will allow it" I say
"I'll just ask his permission" the doctor says before leaving Freen and I alone.
"So?" I nervously say before putting my hands behind my back
"So?" She smiles back
"Does this mean me and you we are like you know because I mean I know it was an unexpected turn for you like to have this happen to you and all sorts and I know we thought it was mission impossible but we somehow found a way around it and like I would love for us to go back to normality" i ramble on as Freen tries to catch every word I say, wow I did it the first time a lot smoother
"Well basically what I'm actually trying to say without like with no pressure to you if you don't want to like it's okay I can wait I guess I wouldn't like to wait but like if you want to maybe then perhaps would you marry me? Like again?" I gasp out for air as I smile awkwardly at her waiting for her response she looks at me and gasps
"I'll marry you in one condition"
"What's that?"
"I made the mistake of hiding things from you and you kept the fact that you got arrested from me?"
"How did you find out?"
"Someone told me and it doesn't matter what does matter is that if we do get married this time Becky, I want us to be happy, I want to no matter how bad it gets to run to you & im sorry I did that to you last time but from my side it will never happen again, now I need you to promise me you'll not hide things from me either"
"I mean I lied about prison you left me for another country but woo sure"i sarcastically say resulting into Freen sighing
"I know I'll make it up to you" she smiles
"And I'll make it up to you too" I smile as I pull the new box for her
"In that case yes Becky, I'll 100% marry you again"
I smile as I lift open the ring and place it into her finger
"What why did you get me a new ring" she gasped at the diamonds on it
"Because you deserve nice things, besides the lady that works their kept repeating the line 'diamonds are a girls best friend' and all of that jazz"
"It's so beautiful I can't believe you spent something so expensive on me what the heck Becky that's crazy" she looked at the ring, placed perfectly on her fingers.
"And here's your other wedding ring from your previous marriage, that woman was a douche well done for divorcing her" I sarcastically say
"I still have feelings for her so don't talk about my ex wife in that manner" Freen says threateningly which makes us laugh, I sit beside her as I go over to peck her lips gently.
The end.
This story comes to its end.
Do let me know your thoughts on this story or if you want next freenbecky story.
Thanks for reading☺

أدب الهواةBecky has been left in the dark as to why her wife divorced her and left the country with lingling. Orm chases her love but Becky has too many hurdles to deal with. g! p (Becky and Orm) mature contents 📌 little bit of swearing